NineChime forum

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#1 09-11-2009 09:56:15


Lightbox Option - Database Update?

Haha, lytebox*

Hi Waccoon! I just recently updated SRO to 1.4.3 and I have a few questions.
What do I have to do to update the database and allow the lytebox option in profiles? I think this is a perk most members would love to have.
I think I asked this before, but has it been discussed about an on/off feature for the curse filter? Half my members are upset about not swearing, the other half doesn't want to see those words hanging around, and I don't want wandering quests to see it either. It's one of the bigger issues on my board.

Last edited by ~*Eevee1*~ (09-11-2009 10:29:49)

Owner of the Suta-Raito Oekakis:
Sutaro Sketcher
SR Oekaki
SRO is the merged form of SRON and SROA, with new templates and funnn contests <3


#2 09-12-2009 04:44:06


Re: Lightbox Option - Database Update?

I guess it depends how much you've modified your board.  You need to add the rel tag to "boot.php", "index.php" to use the rel tag, "editprofile.php" so people can choose to enable/disable the setting, and "functions.php" so the setting is saved in the database.  If you ran the 1.4.3 updater, then the database is already set up to use Lytebox.

In the new boot.php, look under the "hacks" section, and you'll see this:


// Lightbox/Litebox/Lytebox/Slimbox
$pic_viewer_norm  = 'rel="lytebox[norm]"';
$pic_viewer_adult = 'rel="lytebox[adult]"';

In "index.php", search for "Lightbox support" (line 529) and copy the next 35 lines, up until the separator made out of equals signs.

In functions.php, search for "editprofile".  You might be able to copy that whole section, but if not, here is the filter and new SQL query, respectively:


$no_viewer  = w_gpc('no_viewer', 'i');

$result = mysql_query ("UPDATE {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekaki SET name='{$name}', url='{$url}', comment='{$comment}', email='{$email}', email_show={$email_show}, aim='{$aim}', icq='{$icq}', urltitle='{$urltitle}', MSN='{$msn}', yahoo='{$yahoo}', IRCserver='{$ircserver}', IRCnick='{$ircnick}', usrflags='{$trueflags}', location='{$location}', templatesel='{$ctemplate}', IRCchan='{$ircchan}', age='{$age}', gender='{$gender}', smilies_show={$smilies_show}, no_viewer={$no_viewer}, picview='{$picview}', thumbview='{$thumbview}', screensize='{$screensize}', language='{$language2}' WHERE usrname='{$my_oekakiu}'");

Now, on to that other thing...

I think I asked this before, but has it been discussed about an on/off feature for the curse filter?

Officially, the curse filter is not implemented yet, because it's broken.  If I remember correctly, it's clipping too many letters.


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