Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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Where can I find all the scripts involved in logging into the oekaki? I set up a paintchat on my webhost and am looking to make it so they have to login to get to the page.
Login validation is handled by "boot.php", which also requires the database and config files, "common.php", language file, and banscript. If you are using "boot.php" for anything other than the oekaki, you will also have to disable the template and online systems. You will also have to enable "quiet mode", which bypasses many checks required by the oekaki and disables error reporting:
$no_template=TRUE; $no_online=TRUE; $quiet_mode=TRUE; require("boot.php");
After this, the $user[] array will be set. To test if someone is logged in, use if ($user['member']) {
It might take a bit of work to make "boot.php" work properly with projects other than Wacintaki. It's a monolithic (and messy) script and it does a bunch of different things.
The actual login/logout procedure is handled by "functions.php" at the very top. Do a search for "Process login" to find it.