Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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I have most of it skinned (HEAVY alterations to some core files), but one little thing has eluded me.
Where specifically is the code that calls out...
Alexia @ Thursday, June 15th 2006, 3:39 PM [Edit] [Delete]
...in index.php. (this was in the comments area, btw)
If someone could give me the entire section of where it is, or something to let me find it, I would greatly appreciate it. ^.^
Last edited by AlexiaSH (06-30-2006 19:01:27)
I believe what you're looking for is about 4/5 of the way down the index.php file. Look for the following:
<div class="commentheader"> <strong> <a onclick="openWindow('profile.php?user=<?=urlencode($outerrow['usrname']);?>', 400, 500); return false" href="profile.php?user=<?=urlencode($outerrow['usrname']);?>"><?=$stupid_name?><?=$outerrow['usrname']?></a> </strong> <span class="commentinfo">@ <?= date('l, F jS Y, g:i A', strtotime($outerrow['postdate'])); ?></span> <? if ($outerrow['usrname'] == $OekakiU) echo "<a href=\"editpic.php?picno={$outerrow['PIC_ID']}\">[Edit]</a>\n"; ?> /div>
Last edited by Nullig (06-30-2006 20:59:18)