Rule Suprimo: I reserve the right to kick your ass for any reason.
- Humorous pr0n is the theme of this board, though any topic is acceptable. Be creative. Be funny. Do something different.
- This board is not exclusive to furries.
- Please submit only your own work. It's strongly recommended you use the drawing apps, not the upload feature.
- Blog all you want, so long as you post an interesting picture.
- Illegal content does not belong here. You should know what that means if you live in the USA, but if not, ask me first.
- Photos and renderings are not allowed. All work must be hand drawn.
- Underage art and “cub” is not allowed unless approved by an admin.
- I pay a monthly fee to keep this place online, which makes it a private board. You have no right to be here. If you argue with me... you're toast.
- And most important of all... HAVE FUN, DAMMIT!