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[5463] Artist: Sydney | Title: Boom Boom Baby | Time: 32m
Pic #2618
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 6:51 PM
Trent is such a dick.

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
straw @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 9:16 PM
Is it a safe assumption that Trent is of European decent?
Samu3l K @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 10:46 PM
Sydney @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 10:50 PM
Samu3l K @ Sunday, July 6th 2008, 1:04 PM
And if that don't work... use more gun.
No one in particular @ Sunday, July 6th 2008, 1:13 PM
My parents? Do -not- care for it.
Dejection @ Sunday, July 6th 2008, 7:01 PM
The idea of something with fur also having a beard is hilarious to me for some reason. I like his design, though.
Sydney @ Sunday, July 6th 2008, 10:29 PM
Yeah, I redesigned him because his original design had a huge head. Huge even for my style. That and it was really ripping off Wac's style.
flarn @ Monday, July 7th 2008, 4:41 PM
Needs more robuts, please.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 8th 2008, 2:00 AM
I don't have a big head! Just... a small body.
Eric @ Wednesday, July 9th 2008, 12:35 PM
....And you already messed up and used a different color. Good job.

[5459] Artist: Sydney | Title: Bonk? | Time: 15m
Pic #2614
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Friday, July 4th 2008, 10:25 PM
They practiced the strategy. They tried out the weapons. She tried the schematics. She pulled a sweet ubercharge. He took up a new sport. They ordered the uniforms. They came to fight. They were ready.

But nobody else came.


(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
Samu3l K @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 12:49 AM
I think the Brawl is dead.
No one in particular @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 2:41 AM
The brawl comes when it comes.
It happens, or it doesn't.
Don't think it sticks to a schedule or something.
You can't find the precise moment it starts in an almanac.

If you try and force it, someone will just cry 'rape!' :cry:
Zaku-sensei @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 4:51 AM
&quot;Cry Some More&quot;
seriously, let it develop all on its own. Also, this piece shows continued improvement, keep it up.
Waccoon @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 7:15 AM
BONK BONK, wait. I take that back.
Jeffy_Bunny @ Sunday, July 6th 2008, 10:01 PM
I still have a bunch of Doug pictures saved. We could bring that back again on a yearly schedule. I think Xod missed that.
milknhoney @ Monday, July 7th 2008, 5:03 PM
I think if anything comes back yearly should be new posts only. ...I vote we bring back more prons.

I like the TF brawl idea for this year even if it is too soon.
Eric @ Wednesday, July 9th 2008, 12:32 PM
I second Sam's sentiments. There will probably be less participants than last year. And last year's turnout was abysmal, and we never got any sort of momentum going.

Plus I haven't drawn anything in months. Kind of gave up on the whole drawing thing, or rather, was forced to give up on it for reasons I won't get into.

[5401] Artist: Sydney | Title: XOXO | Time: 1h 10m
Pic #2556
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 9:50 PM
Haven't drawn Samantha in a while. Heres a little something to break me out of an artist's block.
rayebs @ Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 10:20 PM
I have to say that is an amazing piece of art. I would not of assocatied with &quot;sean's&quot; work if it hadn't been your character and your name next to it! It may not be perfect, but it is a far cry more awesome than past work! Grats!
fgs @ Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 11:37 PM
wow, you are getting a lot better, especially at faces. one thing i think you should look at are how female breasts naturally hang from and attach to the chest. i would say work on nipple size/placement too, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to have nips like the ones you drew... just, not really likely. so maybe it's just your preference.
Syrynx @ Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 11:37 PM
Hey Sean, this is really nice work, I'm so happy to see that everytime I look at what you are doing new, I can see improvements. Here's a couple of ideas that i would love to see you work on:

Your torsos always feel a little bit squished comparatively. I find that drawing out a skeletal structure before I start really getting into details helps me alot.

Also, breasts move, and when a character is lying down they look different than a view from where she is standing. Breasts move to the side usually, and create a valley in the chest, and large breasts like you've drawn sometimes end up with the curve ending around the armpit or ribcage area. For breast refference, I highly suggest porn...from the seventies. Seriously.

Just some thoughts, Keep on working, I think you're doing great.
Xod @ Thursday, May 22nd 2008, 9:22 PM
I liked the porn from the seventies comment, hehehe! I love natural big breasts.
Oh and nice picture, she even paints her pubic hair! &gt;:D
Sydney @ Thursday, May 22nd 2008, 9:36 PM
That's Sammy's trademark right there. And thanks for remembering she had those piercings! Nobody seems to.
Eric @ Friday, May 23rd 2008, 1:28 PM
Her boobs, belly button, and pubes look like a surprised man with a goatee to me.
Sydney @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 11:24 AM
Oh yeah now I see it! Good one Eric.

[5390] Artist: Sydney | Title: Tablet! | Time: 21m 25s
Pic #2545

[View Animation]
Sydney @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 9:29 PM
Okay, so as was previously mentioned, I finally bought a tablet. A Wacom Intuos3 4x6. This is my first entirely tablet drawn picture. The tablet is actually really nice, but I'm still figuring out what configuration suits my drawings best. I've done mouse work for so long the adjustment to pen is a little frustrating, but I'm working on it. Any suggestions for a first time tablet user?
Zerofox1000 @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 9:38 PM
It takes a little practice. It feels a little wierd at first but you'll get the hang of it. The Intuos looks pretty slick, but I'm satisfied with my simple little Graphire.

One suggestion is find a good positioning for drawing. For me having the tablet twisted up slightly from the right makes it more comfortable for me to draw.
Samu3l K @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 9:46 PM
Protip: Still use your mouse to fix up jagged pixels and stuff. I use a tablet, too, but a mouse is great for intricate pixel work, especially if you're dead set on using solids.
No one in particular @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 9:53 PM
Layers are your friends, practice all the time, experiment with line weight, and all the other art tips you're likely to hear.

Unrelated, you're a southpaw, eh?
The_Ravishing_One @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 10:47 PM
don't practice to use your tablet in an oekaki applet. that's like taking finger-painting lessons from raphael... go find corel or photopoop. also, to speed your acquaintance with the tablet, use it exclusively instead of your mouse. if you aren't playing a FPS, use your tablet to do everything on your computer. you'll get over the initial kinesthetic sensation awkwardness real fast.

welcome to the real world :crazy:
Waccoon @ Sunday, May 18th 2008, 9:09 AM
Anyone thinking about a tablet should be happy with the &quot;budget&quot; versions offered by Wacom. I like my Intuos 6x8, but I admit is wasn't much of an upgrade from my old Graphire. Do they even make the Graphire anymore?

Using the mouse to fill dead pixels is a big deal with ShiPainter, because it has an annoying issue with delta drag. With PaintBBS, it doesn't make much difference.
Al @ Sunday, May 18th 2008, 9:09 AM
Get hold of Open Canvas. The free version might have a clunky UI, but it's a great little app to practice using a tablet with, as it supports a number of tablet features. Also the free version is the only one with the online co-op fun.

Sydney @ Sunday, May 18th 2008, 9:23 AM
@Zero: I've actually found turning it upside down helps.
@Sam: The tablet I have actually came with an extra mouse, which does fuck all if its off the tablet, but thanks!
@NOIP: You mean left handed? Yes.
@Ravish: Its hard to play Starcraft with a pen silly.
@Wacc: I've never had any trouble whatsoever with Shi Painter. Its PaintBBS that make me punch the monitor.
@Al: I'm on it.
Tigr3ss @ Sunday, May 18th 2008, 9:59 AM
ver 4 has networking too, haven't tested it however.

Edit: OH! And get this for Shi Painter.
The_Ravishing_One @ Monday, May 19th 2008, 12:13 AM
i have no problem using my tablet to play games... let alone such a point-and-click interface as starcraft. one hand on the keyboard, the other in your lap... just like usual &gt;:D
Naill @ Tuesday, May 20th 2008, 3:10 AM
One advantage that tablets give you (or at least in my experience) is theyre incredibly easier to sketch with, I notice it usually looks like you dont do a lot of base sketches in your work, I could be wrong, Ive never watched an animation of yours (if you ever do work on animated?) so I dont know your process, but the way your lines are, they appear to be drawn in a &quot;okay heres the first finger, the second finger, the third finger&quot; without any kind of &quot;okay here's the basic hand shape, the basic wrist shape, the basic arm shape...&quot; beforehand.
If you really want to improve, I suggest you practice getting down at least one base sketch (and I mean SKETCH I dont just mean draw how youd normally draw then trace over it on a new layer) I mean sketch out basic shapes and curves, so you can catch mistakes earlier, for instance, if you had drawn a basic sketch first and paid attention to it, youd notice that the left arm here is basically coming out of the shoulder, remember basic proportions like your upper and forearms are the same length, etc etc all that good stuff. All of that is much easier to keep track of when you dont have to say &quot;oh man I CANT fix that now I spent so much time getting that line right!&quot;
Waccoon @ Tuesday, May 20th 2008, 5:03 AM
@The_Ravishing_One: All right! A fellow tablet gamer!

[5341] Artist: Sydney | Title: Sneaky | Time: unknown
Pic #2496

Sydney @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 12:54 AM
Sean's sneaking around the woods. I wonder what hes up to?

Just practicing backgrounds, and about the grass, pen tool is love.

(Okay, since nobody liked the realistic blur I was happy with, heres the solids.)

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
Syrynx @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 2:06 AM
Sean i must say I'm really pleasantly surprised! Your background in this pic looks really crisp and good. I also like the expression you've given yourself, I think this is markedly a very good effort from you!
Sydney @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 2:41 AM
Thanks Syrynx. I also kinda wanted to note that the far background there isn't transparent. In ShiPainter you can make a layer more transparent and right click to select the lightened color as if you had gone into the color box and done it from there.
Sable @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 3:12 AM
Sean , blurring solids dose not realism make. You have a toony style and solids would work best for it. If you want more depth use more colors for the shades and highlights. But if you WANT soft edges then use the watercolor/pen to color things in, most of the time the blur tool just makes coloring look half assed.

Just what i think thou.
Satbast @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 12:39 AM
Sean, no swiping! Sean, no swiping! Sean, no swiping!

..Just reminds me of Dora. I'm a dork. ^~.~^ ...With kids.
Sydney @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 1:09 AM
Naill @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 4:51 AM
When you use the blur what exactly are you trying to accomplish? (Im being perfectly serious) because like sable said there are other ways to accomplish smoother lines and colors, and if you want to just use solids but dont want such drastic differences in the two colors youre using to shade things, then use more darks and lights. Even just one base color, two shades, and a highlight color can give things more depth than just a base color and either a highlight or shade can.
Dejection @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 5:17 AM
Jeez why don't you 2 fuck already and get it over with :/
Sydney @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 12:41 PM
*sigh* I draw something nice and somebody needs to be a jerk...
Eric @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 2:08 PM
Never sing the I'M THE MAP song. Ever again, Sean. I counted once, and he said &quot;I'm the map&quot; 17 times, I believe? They've since reduced it. Probably complaints from parents with migraines.

And I bet Sean is doing his business in this drawing. Now be a good puppy and finish up so I can pick it up with a plastic baggie. WHO WANTSA TREAT? WHO WANTSA TREAT? WHO'S MY GOOD BOY? WHO'S A GOOD PUPPY? ABUBUBUBU!!
Sydney @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 3:15 PM
That right fuckstick, pick up my shit and wipe my ass so I can continue tearing the shit out of your couch and getting fleas on your new bedsheets.
Eric @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 6:25 PM
No Snausages for you! &gt;:C
Sydney @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 11:36 PM

[5322] Artist: Sydney | Title: Kirb Your Enthusiasm | Time: unknown
Pic #2477


Sydney @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 2:10 PM
For shits and giggles.

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
Zerofox1000 @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 3:26 PM
Kirby is a fucking little ass hamster. After Melee, I can't stand the little shit. :mad:
Tha_Pig @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 5:42 PM
Explosive diarrhea of lulz! :lol:
Dejection @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 6:09 PM
This is, ah, something all right.
rayebs @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 7:36 PM
I Dig it.

Looks like one of your best drawings. But the color of the eyes, without any outline throws it off for me.

and Do i see things learned from Wac's drawing? Me thinks i do!
wondering @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 7:55 PM
why is most of your stuff uploaded? shouldnt it be made here not just posted ?
Sydney @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 8:53 PM
Yeah, but the applets can be a motherfucker. I have Photoshop over here and I'm trying to learn more with it.
Jeffy_Bunny @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 11:10 PM
You should draw a series of these ala

More cuddliness!
Dejection @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 11:50 PM
I'm like the only person on here who still uses PaintBBS instead of ShiPainter :(

Technology scares me
Sable @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 12:18 AM
I don't like shi myself haha. To many newfangled tools that I wouldn't use since solids are YAY, and it doesn't seem to respond as well but that could just be me.

Never really cared for Kirby. Only game I owned was the tilt'n'tumble one and it was a gift. :P
Waccoon @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 1:25 AM
I hate drawing with ShiPainter. Like many modern art programs, it doesn't draw pixels when you click, only when you move, so it's impossible for me to do little touch-ups.
Dejection @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 1:52 AM
I take it back, it appears artists who work in solids prefer Paint BBS =O
Syrynx @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 2:58 AM
There is something to be said for shi painter, it does my style wonderfully, but then again, I style is too soft for paint bbs. I like doing coloring and layerwork in shi painter, but for lines, paint bbs is superior.
mascot @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 3:33 AM
I used watercolor for lines in PaintBBS and that doesn't work at all in ShiPainter. (Also the eraser's bad.)
NaniMoose @ Saturday, April 19th 2008, 12:13 PM
I loves me some Shi-Painter.

The watercolor tool isn't for lines, it's for blending colors. The pen tool is what you're supposed to use for antialiased lines, and it ROCKS (especially with j-tablet).

The solid tool is kinda weak, I agree, but I hardly use it. Except when I zoom way, way in to do my pixelly logo, and the solid tool cursor is offset by half a pixel. WTF?
Zerofox1000 @ Sunday, April 20th 2008, 11:00 AM
I love the watercolor and airbrush tools for making backgrounds.

[5319] Artist: Sydney | Title: BAWWWW | Time: 41s
Pic #2474

Sydney @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 3:06 PM
Old Whitey died.

My family bought this old clunker of a Gateway PC back in 2000. It had Windows ME and ran decently well, and it never broke down or anything. For a while in 2003 it remained unused when we bought 2 PCs, this one and my brother's. My brother came back from college with his PC busted to shit and I tried to convince them to not waste the money on it and just bring whitey back into commision. 6 months later that newer one died and Whitey became my computer. I spent the next four years upgrading him, adding necessary components, and fiddling with configuration. Today I tried to turn him on and heard the hard drive die. It would be a simple matter of replacing the drive, but I promised myself I wouldn't spend anymore money on Whitey, since I need a laptop. So its a fond farewell to my old friend Whitey. Up there in Electronics heaven with My N64 and Companion Cube.

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
Jeffy_Bunny @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 3:33 PM
Dude I feel your pain. I remember the time I lost my first computer. It was an old Compaq Presario 5070 with a 333 processor and 26mb of ram originally.
I finally got rid of it after getting a new pc from a friend of mine. I had 30 seconds of silence for Mr. Computer. 10 seconds for each gigabyte of Hard Drive space.
Zerofox1000 @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 3:40 PM
Comps come and go...every 5 years.

I replaced my old Dell with a new one last fall. The old thing held in there since 2001. I was surprised that it was able to do as much as it did for that long. But, when I got it it was upgraded so much. I expect this one to last a good long while too.
Waccoon @ Thursday, April 17th 2008, 2:33 AM
I got my Amiga 1000 back in 1988. It still works.

Actually, the only computer to outright die on me was my ATI Radeon 9800 video card. Even every hard drive I've ever had still works -- even the one I took apart. :D
Jeffy_Bunny @ Thursday, April 17th 2008, 10:50 AM
The computer Gods smile down upon you Wac.

[5241] Artist: Sydney | Title: Stop Struggling! | Time: 1h 33m
Pic #2396

Sydney @ Friday, March 7th 2008, 1:10 AM
A wise man once said &quot;Experience is a fantastic tutor.&quot; With this in mind, Sean visited Syrynx for a few pointers when drawing tentacles. Quite a few pointers.
Waccoon @ Friday, March 7th 2008, 2:29 AM
It's not polite to point!
Syrynx @ Friday, March 7th 2008, 10:20 AM
XD Sean I love you.
Alodie @ Tuesday, March 11th 2008, 9:26 AM
Oh No! You got it in the eye!
Double penitration is love.

[5230] Artist: Sydney | Title: We Can't Do That Here! | Time: unknown
Pic #2385
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Sunday, February 17th 2008, 10:57 PM
Made from an old Nanimoose sketch, and Seannesized with leisure suits, purple, overly dark colorng, and general fail.

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
Syrynx @ Monday, February 18th 2008, 12:04 AM
You keep promising me tentacles and I keep hoping I wont be like, the only person who draws them, and here you are, drawing penis instead of tentacles with suckers and it makes me sad. SAD I TELL YOU.
Sydney @ Monday, February 18th 2008, 2:39 AM
NaniMoose @ Monday, February 18th 2008, 1:17 PM
Woah, kind of a shock to see this without warning! Nicely done! I like his tiny, tiny tie.

And you could have added tentacles to this! :&gt;

[5195] Artist: Sydney | Title: Medulla Oblongota | Time: 1h 46m
Pic #2350


Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 2:13 PM
Ornery is most commonly defined as &quot;unpleasant.&quot;

You'd be angry too if you wasted $29.99 because you thought The Vagina Monlogues was a porno.

EDIT: Added her stripes...needed to put them on a seperate layer though.
Al @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 1:10 PM
So, you getting better a few weeks ago was CUNNING TRICKERY!
Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 1:26 PM
Bleh. I've had a rough week with this new job and dont feel like being too detailed.

And your just upset over the Green Day parody poster :)
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 5:18 PM
Where is her anus?
Samu3l K @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 5:55 PM
Eric @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 6:20 PM
Wow, she has awesome pecs. And a pussy on her pubis. NICE.
Tigr3ss @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 2:36 AM
Not the worst pussy placement I've seen... probably is. If you want it to be where it is, the buttocks should round up immediatly beneath it, where the outer lips stop. No, the anus isn't always visible from this direction, because of buttocs and the taint sticking out more. I know many people manically draw it on as much as they can where it'd hardly show.

What confuse me here is that you have shading on the right/underside of arms, breasts, then one leg isn't shaded at all, and the other is both from the overside and underside. I don't know why you shade with both dithers and airbrush, I'd use solids if I were you. You do know about the Mask functions, right?

I don't know why guys drawing chicks masturbating so rarely draw them touching the clit, but maybe she's just getting started ;P
Bobby Bushtail @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 6:50 AM
Men like to think women like penetration more than clitoral stimulation... twas a lesson I learned the hard way... but one worth learning.......... HURRAY FOR DEEP THOUGHTS ABOUT SEX :D well thats the rest of my thinking for tonight

on a second note, this is better than the shit I shell out every week XD

[5147] Artist: Sydney | Title: The Law | Time: unknown
Pic #2302
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Monday, December 17th 2007, 10:26 AM
Manfred Von Wolfehausen! RAAAAWWWRRRR! I'm on a roll with these things!

Also, Textures!

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
No one in particular @ Monday, December 17th 2007, 2:27 PM
You wanna be careful with those, Sean. They tend to be on straight lines, while things in life are not. Like, clothes are lumpy and curved and all.

Also, be careful with the hair back there... starting to wander into the molded-plastic-highlights.

Still, keep it up! Practice makes perfect, and all that!
BassMan @ Monday, December 17th 2007, 2:33 PM
&quot;Onward to the Flying J! CHARGE!!!&quot; -Jav A. Junkie the Coffee Cat :lol:
Tigr3ss @ Tuesday, December 18th 2007, 10:08 AM
He has a bun for a hand :P Yes, NOIP is right, you have to displace the texture to follow the fabric piece (tailoring knowledge +1) and bend it to 3D as well (Photoshop bevels +3 i guess) But why didn't you elect to texture his hair instead/too?

You posted a lot after one another... get a gallery or something? I'm just saying, because people can find it obnoxious.

Some other things; the closest ear is for some reason behind his cheekfur, I'd think this likelier to happen to the farthest ear - why isn't the farthest ear facing more away from us? Try picking a light, bright green and airbrush a crescent of sort in the lower iris, it will bring out the eyes.

Lastly, quit the blur! Pixel sharp lines are fine - if you must, it's way better to draw it at 3x resolution, otherwise the pixels will not have the quality to look okay blurred - this is why they're still recognizeable as pixelled even after blur.
Sydney @ Tuesday, December 18th 2007, 11:52 AM
Well there goes my jab at the archives...oh well.
Tigr3ss @ Tuesday, December 18th 2007, 3:36 PM
LOL! Sorry. I dont think I've seen Wacc archieve uploads.
No one in particular @ Tuesday, December 18th 2007, 4:44 PM
Actually, there's like 4 uploads on the first page of the archives at the moment.
Brentos @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 4:18 AM
Holy CRAP Sean, I think this looks damn fine. I must say I'm yiffin' shocked. I think it even counts for an 'Oh Yeah'...

Oh Yeah!

[5146] Artist: Sydney | Title: Yell Because Your Wright | Time: unknown
Pic #2301
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Sunday, December 16th 2007, 7:30 PM
If Kaitlyn is Phoenix Wright,
Who is Miles Edgeworth?

Trent fits the position quite nicely.

(Uploaded by Sean Wolfe)
FSharp @ Sunday, December 16th 2007, 10:11 PM
It looks like he's wearing Godot's outfit more, though. :0
Sydney @ Sunday, December 16th 2007, 10:17 PM
If look you a bit more closely you'll see that the vest has a large upturned collar, and a big blue ruffle around the neck.

And Godot was the shit.
BassMan @ Monday, December 17th 2007, 2:29 AM
I like the facial expression, it reminds me of some of the works of my favorite furry artist in the world: Ryan J. Smith (Ronnie Raccoon) Also I like the outfit, it looks like 1 of those vest-over-shirt baseball jerseys like the Cincinatti Reds wear

(Edited on December 17, 2007, 2:31 pm)
Eric @ Wednesday, December 19th 2007, 10:47 AM

And no, I'm not quoting the game. I object to this drawing.
Sydney @ Wednesday, December 19th 2007, 6:16 PM
Because you touch yourself at night.
Tigr3ss @ Friday, December 21st 2007, 9:13 AM
Everyone does. Actually jacking off lowers risk of prostate cancer :P
Brentos @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 4:21 AM
Oh crappo, I see a pattern forming here while I go back in time. But it still looks good. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO SEAN WOLFE?!?!?!?!
Sydney @ Monday, December 31st 2007, 1:29 PM

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