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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[7952] Artist: Brentos | Title: another thrilling test! | Time: 1m 31s
Pic #5107

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, March 14th 2020, 2:39 AM
So my Windows machine started to act up and I went out and bought another computer. I went back to Mac and I'm very happy with it so far. Just downloaded the software for my Wacom Intuos and it looks like I can draw here using Safari as a browser with no problems. Didn't have to download any Java stuff or anything so it's looking awesome as of right now... :gamer:
pinderhooks @ Sunday, March 29th 2020, 9:52 PM
Well! I guess Macintrash compooters are good for something after all :P
Brentos @ Saturday, April 4th 2020, 3:31 AM
Windows is more like 'Windblows' if you know what I mean?
Brentos @ Saturday, April 4th 2020, 5:55 AM
Holy crap I'm trying to draw here but now I can't change the pixel width of the pen-strokes! I got a message about a week ago that the latest upgrade for my computer might not be compatible with the current Wacom driver so hopefully that's the problem. Fucking Mac sucks I'm going back to Windows fucking Windows is where it's at man. I miss how I have to pay for all the different security programs every year and how they suddenly become incompatible with each other and the frequent crashes and subscribing every year to have a fucking WORD PROCESSOR! Or maybe I'll try installing the new driver if it even exists But I'll do that later right now I'm just going to listen to some more tunes and drink some more beer and maybe try drawing something mediocre with one pixel. I can't believe how awesome computers have become and it's only the 21st century! :gamer: :crazy: :barf:
Waccoon @ Thursday, April 23rd 2020, 5:21 AM
I'm still running Win7 on an 8-year-old PC.

Seems that's the only way to have things work correctly anymore.

[7948] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 358 | Time: 9h 51m
Pic #5103
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, February 2nd 2020, 5:06 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:24 am)

[7949] Artist: Brentos | Title: 66X-Mas 2019 | Time: 4h 14m
Pic #5104
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, December 29th 2019, 7:17 AM

I hope everybody tries not to get too... wrapped up in X-Mas am I right?... eh?...
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 9:58 PM
I think everybody would be safer if this present stays wrapped up :P That metallic effect on the gold ribbon looks real cool as well!

[7944] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 357 | Time: 8h 41m
Pic #5099
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 23rd 2019, 6:08 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:24 am)
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, November 23rd 2019, 11:52 PM
Stretchy neck? But, I don't want to look like Adam "Pencilneck" Schiff!
pinderhooks @ Sunday, December 1st 2019, 9:12 PM
boy, this was an unexpected turn in the story! But I would have to say that Pinton would look stupid with any sort of neck, let alone a stretchy one :v
Brentos @ Saturday, December 14th 2019, 5:08 AM
Expect the expected.

[7946] Artist: Brentos | Title: Tango wango | Time: 1m 43s
Pic #5101

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, October 12th 2019, 3:10 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, October 12th 2019, 3:15 AM
Wow, this was actually done using Firefox. I just had an update for my Wacom tablet and now it seems I won't have to use Explorerer any morererer hopefully. Could this be the rebirth of oekaki?
Brentos @ Saturday, October 12th 2019, 3:58 AM
I take that back, I can't change any of the pen settings with Firefox, I'm stuck with this one pixel size and can't change the opacity etc. Back to Explorer I guess...
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 11:39 PM
duuude, I thought I was the only one that had trouble drawing with Chicken Paint! So using explorer fixes the lagging? I guess it's good to know it's still good for something!
WinterWeirdo @ Sunday, October 20th 2019, 2:35 AM
I've got the same problem when using Firefox but I thought just me and my cheap £20 ugee tablet cause I get lag in gimp and sai as well,good thing I know now I was going out to buy a wacom to try and fix the problem.
Waccoon @ Friday, October 25th 2019, 1:31 AM
Well, careful with that. I have a Wacom and when I upgraded to Win7, I got all kinds of lag with it. I ended up finding a way to get the XP driver running under Win7 and that made the lag go away. Wacom's newest drivers are terrible. They do all kinds of logging and telemetry and crap, and that makes them lag like crazy.

Alas, most modern stuff is crap. I can't even get the latest version of ChickenPaint to build correctly.

[7935] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 356 | Time: 10h 30m
Pic #5090
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, August 24th 2019, 4:11 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:23 am)
WinterWeirdo @ Thursday, August 29th 2019, 4:24 PM
Amazing calligraphy.
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, September 11th 2019, 5:07 PM
Whatdya mean things will REALLY get fucked up? I thought things were already as fucked up as they can get! But this was a nice novella, Brentos. Maybe in the next issue the characters won't be buried beneath mountains of text :P
Brentos @ Saturday, September 14th 2019, 2:18 AM
Oh you just fucking wait.

[7938] Artist: Brentos | Title: How The Romans Conquered Britania | Time: 1h 17m
Pic #5093

Chicken Paint

Brentos @ Tuesday, July 9th 2019, 1:51 AM
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 9th 2019, 10:39 PM
I speak the language of Garlic.
Sakana_Katana @ Wednesday, July 17th 2019, 4:08 AM
That feathered helmet reminds me of how Voton & the Walküre are costumed in Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelüngen". Have you seen this opera? It's the one wherein the fat lady sings. Everyone in it -- gods, mortals & in-between is batshit insane; even Brünnhilde's horse. Rather than sit through 10 hour's performance, over 4 nights in a stuffy opera house, I recommend the graphic novelization by P. Craig Russell. Or, just watch the classic Warner Brothers' cartoon "What's Opera, Doc?" With my spear & magic helmet!
pinderhooks @ Thursday, July 18th 2019, 9:35 PM
He came, he saw, he conquered, but not quite in that order
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 24th 2019, 4:57 AM
This is why there's so much garlic in Italian sausage. The feathered helmet was more modeled after Asterix's helmet, even though he was a Gaul... I'd rather have drawn it more historically correct where the Celtic guy would have been naked or maybe had a cape but then it might not have made sense to everyone. He would have seemed more like a 'caveman' or something. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine how the people of North Western Europe of this time are usually portrayed as being well-dressed and having an abundance of iron, that wouldn't have been until like a thousand years later when the Vikings started taking it from their neighbors to the south and east. (Iron was invented independently long before the Roman conquests of North Western Europe in three different places, China, Iraq and Central-West Africa, at least according to Jared Diamond...) I think the Romans had cotton but only because their empire spanned into the regions where it existed but most people in Europe didn't have any of that stuff at that time, they would have worn furs and wool but only when it was winter. To this day most cotton in the world is from strains domesticated by the natives of the Americas from like four-thousand years ago. It just bugs me how it's so often portrayed that people of Europe were walking around like Asterix and Obelix with all this cool stuff they 'invented' when they were actually just surviving in a pretty cold and wet part of the world. If anyone's really interested there are books by Jared Diamond and Charles C Mann. I could go on and on like you know I can so sorry for another rant.
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 24th 2019, 5:00 AM
Just trying to make the world a better place...
Sakana_Katana @ Sunday, July 28th 2019, 12:28 AM
Never having read "Asterix and Obelix" I, at first, thought you were referring to “Aurore et Ulysse” but, they were Belgian and, as centaurs, had no worries about clothes, whether wool nor cotton.
Not to start a spat here but, elemental iron was discovered; not invented.
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 31st 2019, 3:31 AM
No spat here man, you're totally right. Most advances from many thousands of years ago were definitely discoveries as opposed to deliberate inventions. It's a super interesting subject. Jared Diamond mentions the 'Great Leap Forward' which happened 50,000 years ago where our species all over the world all at the same time adopted the same technologies like the bow and similar arrowheads and I think fire (I can't remember everything I read) after hundreds of thousands of years of making no major advances. (I'm guessing the Great Leap Forward had something to do with the climate...) But then after that it took tens of thousands of years of constant struggle until some of us (by accident) discovered some unique plants which eventually became super-crops. After the production of a food surplus we really started to take off, but only in the places where these certain plants existed in the first place. We started to discover things like iron, copper and plaster etc. Much of this history we've known for decades but I think Diamond's biggest contribution is how geography decided which peoples would enjoy the biggest benefits from these new crops, as in how wheat, barley and rice could be transmitted both east and west but the corn and potatoes of the Americas couldn't because there wasn't any east or west for them, the American continents go north and south. It took thousands of years for corn to reach the southern part of Canada but by that time people from Europe arrived and literally wiped out their mound-building civilizations with the germs from Eurasia causing the American Natives who survived to revert back to hunting and gathering. His books explain it all and take up too much time to write here. But if anyone here reads them, mostly Guns Germs And Steel, they'll realize why Europeans conquered most of North America and all of Australia but not Papua New Guinea or Africa (they merely occupied it for a couple hundred years). Spoiler alert! It all comes down to geography and germs (and why some people had the advantage of germs...). Sorry again for another rant but there's some books out there that have changed me so much man.
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, August 3rd 2019, 11:08 PM

Deep Thinkin' Perverts -- the biggest little social network you've never heard of.

[7936] Artist: Brentos | Title: Bikini Kill | Time: 1h 42m
Pic #5091
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, June 15th 2019, 3:20 AM
Brentos @ Sunday, June 23rd 2019, 2:46 AM
I forgot the pain-stars in the third panel you mutha fuckaz!

[7931] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 355 | Time: 7h 33m
Pic #5086
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Wednesday, May 15th 2019, 6:12 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:22 am)
pinderhooks @ Tuesday, May 21st 2019, 7:45 PM
Only LUST would have such a thing as an anti-piranha cum shield :lol:
Brentos @ Sunday, May 26th 2019, 2:18 AM
No other comic is willing to dare to be so bold.

[7930] Artist: Brentos | Title: Test Deep Aht | Time: 9m 28s
Pic #5085

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, April 6th 2019, 2:32 AM
I think it's deep.
Sakana_Katana @ Wednesday, April 10th 2019, 5:29 AM
That's no moon. It's a ...

-- Off-by-One Kenobi
Brentos @ Monday, April 15th 2019, 1:10 AM
It's too small to be a moon.
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, April 17th 2019, 11:59 PM
I believe this is a closeup of the entrance to a birdhouse, which surely represents the artist's soul struggling to free itself from the confines of this accursed Earth where people still don't know how or are just too sorry to use their turn signals, by golly!
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, April 25th 2019, 2:02 AM
It's getting deeper in here, alright; I'm just not sure that it's thought.
That bird reference is telling me that we're all gonna need wings to stay above this.
Brentos @ Saturday, May 4th 2019, 2:48 AM
Deep aht always provokes controversy that's how you can tell it from plain aht.

[7928] Artist: Brentos | Title: Prudence | Time: 5h 15m
Pic #5083
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Monday, March 4th 2019, 6:25 AM
This is Prudence, another demon. She'll be happy to help you. She's Credence's sister but she's not like her at all (okay maybe a little bit). Unlike Credence, who's an uncontrollable, free-wheeling demented sex-slave she has an actual job with the DTP (Department of Tortuous Paperwork). It's her job to make sure that all sex-slaves are licensed, possessed victims are registered and contracts are declared and stored for all time in the underworld. She always plays by the rules and she's the best there is at what she does, but what she does isn't very nice.
pinderhooks @ Thursday, April 18th 2019, 12:06 AM
I'd make some passes at this demon wearing glasses :blush: :blush: :blush:
Brentos @ Saturday, May 4th 2019, 3:12 AM
If you don't have an appointment you're in the wrong line. Make an appointment and then wait in this line.

[7927] Artist: Brentos | Title: Credence And Cat | Time: 6h 45m
Pic #5082
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Monday, February 18th 2019, 5:33 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, February 16th 2019, 2:18 PM
Crap I did it again, I made her too thick-looking. She's thick I tell you. I'll try to fix it up a bit when I go to colour it with my amazing colouring abilities sometime...
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, April 11th 2019, 3:14 AM
Kitty reminds me of Iris, from "Latex Blue", of whom you once drew fanart. Wonder what happened to Dragonfly: did he finish his nuclear science degree and find happiness in designing atomic weapons?
Brentos @ Monday, April 15th 2019, 1:58 AM
I have no idea what happened to him. Didn't he come up with his own way to measure area on the surface of a sphere or something? He should be here because he was a Deep Thinker of bigly proportions.
If we're lucky someone like him will come up with a way for humans to overide the inevitable use of AI being in control of everyone's nuclear arsenals. Of the several close calls we've had where a nuclear war almost happened it was always a human that prevented it and a computer that almost started it. Now with AI the humans are taken out of the decision process like those crappy Max 737's. I'm starting to suspect these recent disasters involving AI have been happening for some time now. Like what if these 'clear air turbulence' events have been actually caused by AI the whole time, here's a video from about a year ago. Sorry to cheer everyone up like this...

Holy fuck did I ever take this comment off in a scary direction. Here's a TYT video about how great the new Boeing Maxes are, they really are stupid planes.
pinderhooks @ Thursday, April 18th 2019, 12:05 AM
sheeyit, that cat looks better than the one I did! My lines were such a mess! I blame that dastardly Chicken Paint, naturally!
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, April 25th 2019, 10:51 PM
Never mind his deep-thinking in things mathematical & logical, Dragonfly should be here as he's a pervert of the First Order. You've read his comic -- he's gone places where Lovecraft never dared trod, nor Freud even dreampt of.

(Edited on August 12, 2019, 4:15 pm)
Brentos @ Saturday, May 4th 2019, 3:34 AM
Your lines are awesome Pinderhooks, I wish I could draw like that all the time where it looks so natural and sharp. I gotta sit there and render the crap out of my lines just to make it presentable. It takes me like forever but then again I spend most of my drawing time drinking and veggin' out to music.
Some day I'll try to hunt Dragonfly down but I'm too lazy so free aht to anyone who does, bonus points if he actually draws something here.
Sakana_Katana @ Sunday, June 2nd 2019, 4:49 AM
Sooo, I used Bing to "google" my way here and, found that despite all the later posts, it's my quote from above that appears for the DTP Oekaki - link, like it's the official tagline for the site. How'd THAT happen?
Brentos @ Sunday, June 23rd 2019, 3:17 AM
What's the quote you're talkin' about? I wanna know what the official tagline is. Plus you should try Duck Duck Go as a search engine just to spite Wall Street the bastards.
Sakana_Katana @ Wednesday, July 3rd 2019, 1:13 AM
Duh, it's: "Never mind his deep-thinking in things mathematical & logical, Dragonfly should be here as he's a pervert of the First Order. You've read his comic -- he's gone places where Lovecraft never dared trod, nor Freud even conceived of", obviously.
Still worked today, as of this writing.
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 24th 2019, 5:19 AM
It's official then, 'Never mind his deep-thinking etc etc' is now the Deep-Thinking thing to say!
Sakana_Katana @ Monday, August 12th 2019, 4:15 PM
There, I've done an edit and changed "conceived" to "dreampt" because, you know, Freud was all about the dreams. Let's see if it percolates through the search engines as our tagline. Oh, and cigars too, because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, unless you're Bill Clinton.

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