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[5908] Artist: Brentos | Title: Stuffos 001 | Time: 1h 43m
Pic #3063
(Click to enlarge)

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Brentos @ Sunday, January 10th 2010, 3:36 AM
This is possibly the second time I've drawn a baby that wasn't eaten by a raven!
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 16th 2010, 7:03 PM
Maybe Xod eats her. :|

[5907] Artist: Brentos | Title: Porn Time | Time: 1h 30m
Pic #3062
(Click to enlarge)

Brentos @ Saturday, January 2nd 2010, 5:27 AM
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 2nd 2010, 8:14 AM
Brentos' yearly re-appearing act! :o
Happy New Year, my friend!
Xod @ Sunday, January 3rd 2010, 10:42 AM
What a beautiful final fate! Being consumed by Brentos' cute mouse girl! Together with Pinton! Simply awesome. I will masturbate to this!
Sydney @ Sunday, January 3rd 2010, 4:40 PM
I thought she was trying to make them kiss :lol:
The_Ravishing_One @ Thursday, January 7th 2010, 1:02 PM
it does kind of look like xod is getting into it. >:D
Xod @ Thursday, January 7th 2010, 8:15 PM
A magic trick, indeed! >:D
Blenderman @ Thursday, January 14th 2010, 1:59 AM
Love Pig's face
Mugen @ Sunday, January 17th 2010, 1:48 PM
holy shit yeah awesome it's brentos :delight:

[5169] Artist: Brentos | Title: Her Thighs are a Spew-Million Miles | Time: 1h 56m
Pic #2324
(Click to enlarge)

Brentos @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 7:59 AM
You know he likes it.

Tha_Pig @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 6:10 PM
Holy Guacamole with slices of Megatherium testicle! :o The Brentos is baaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brentos @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 7:54 PM
And now I'm gone again! See ya next year...
Zerofox1000 @ Saturday, December 29th 2007, 11:50 PM
I lol'd.

[3523] Artist: Brentos | Title: Living In Fame | Time: 20h 34m
Pic #768
(Click to enlarge)

[View Animation]
Brentos @ Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 3:58 PM
I've been getting an awful lot of requests recently, asking 'What happened to all the group pictures?'. Well just for you tonight... we're winding the clock up... and drawing them for you...
Squirrel @ Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 7:20 PM
Pretty nice start.
Dejection @ Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 8:35 PM
This looks rad as fuck so far, even if its just a wall.
Skamp @ Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 9:00 PM
its all sin city'd out =oP
Ruphia @ Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 9:27 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is not what I expect from you, Brentos. O_O

That is pretty fucking rad, and a huge change from the T-Sex stuff (also rad, but in a different way). This'll be great to see done.
Brentos @ Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 10:45 AM
I thought somebody would know what this is from! Hint: It's from a British band... :gamer:
Kakastina @ Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 12:06 PM
let me guess another brick in the wall?^^ you got a great sense for detailes im not that patient so I really adore people who could do this
Brentos @ Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 1:15 PM
Not The Wall. It's an album which never got very famous. I don't think any of the songs were ever played on the radio. Bonus hint: It's NOT this album...

*I normally don't have much patience though...*

(Edited on April 19, 2006, 1:18 pm)
milknhoney @ Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 1:41 PM
This looks like a photo before I click on it to make it full view. With the part at the bottom giving it good depth it makes me think of an empty movie set and somebody might walk into the frame. :D
Amble @ Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 7:33 PM
Holy. I thought you had just uploaded a picture when I scrolled past the thumbnail. Killer work so far, Brentos.
Brentos @ Thursday, April 20th 2006, 2:49 PM
So far, from left to right...

Sean Wolfe! Samu3l K! Oh Yeah!...

Fuckin' long inn't it?...
No one in particular @ Thursday, April 20th 2006, 3:02 PM
May be a long time coming, but sure as hell worth the wait. Can hardly wait to see the final product.
Alanna @ Thursday, April 20th 2006, 4:32 PM

Keep it comin', it's looking FANTASTIC.
Samu3l K @ Friday, April 21st 2006, 1:07 AM
Friggin' awesome, Brentos. Never before have I been so well rendered in "Skinny-vision." My coat there is way cooler than anything I actually own.
Brentos @ Friday, April 21st 2006, 5:06 PM
You're also in a Sears catalogue pose. I've gotta change that...
milknhoney @ Saturday, April 22nd 2006, 2:19 AM
If this is Sin City can I be in it too? *strikes a combination Sears/double gun pose* :D
Brentos @ Saturday, April 22nd 2006, 6:38 PM
So close! Here we have...

Milknhoney! No One In Particular! Oh Yeah!

Now to finally add the name of the album and hopefully somebody somewhere knows what it is! It's a TRIPLE album! How can you people not know this?!?!?!?!? RAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

(Edited on April 23, 2006, 1:45 am)
No one in particular @ Saturday, April 22nd 2006, 8:56 PM
Mwa ha ha ha ha! I love how I tower (sort of) over everyone!

Brentos, it is an honor and a pleasure to see this. Oh yeah!
milknhoney @ Sunday, April 23rd 2006, 2:06 AM
Yay me! ...can't really tell if I'm wearing anything but I look pretty good! :D Is pic finished?
Brentos @ Sunday, April 23rd 2006, 3:50 PM
It's done! I might have been reaching with the title of the album though but it's the best I could come up with. Here's tha original amazing album:

It's been ages since I heard this album in its entirety but it's once again in first place for being my all-time weird music favourite. Trout Mask Replica is now notched down to a respectable second place. I could go on and on and you know how I do but I now ORDER Sean, Sam, Milknhoney, NOIP and Fig to check this album out! It's fucking excellentos! That's an ORDER! OH YEAHHHH!!!!!!

[1221] Artist: Brentos | Title: Once every two blue-moons... | Time: 3h 49m
Pic #59

[View Animation]

Brentos @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 2:33 PM
No one can stop you.
Satbast @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 2:49 PM
Our ballots here are actually on a computer thingie. Sooo..I suppose you could put a boogie on the screen, but it won't accept the ballot unless you vote on everything. This is cute tho, I like your comic-style ^~.~^
Brentos @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 3:07 PM
You should be able to insist on voting on paper, on the grounds that if there's a re-count there could actually BE a re-count. At least that's how it would work in Canada, in respect to voting and testing etc. But then again I hear that America is SO advanced these days. So advanced that's why all the high-tech jobs are going to Asia and Europe. Oh wait! That doesn't even make sense...

What a conundrum
Cloven @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 5:14 PM
show those bastards, take a power dump on the voting machine. :P
Tha_Pig @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 5:56 PM
We can hack the voting machine into displaying photoshoped pictures of the candidates having sex...
Tha_Pig @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 5:57 PM
... with farm aninmals!
katoryu diethel @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 8:10 PM
avatar another politic thing! What he say in the first case is SO FUNNY XD...I love it :3
Al @ Monday, November 1st 2004, 9:15 PM
Buttons + superglue. Do I need to say more?
Brentos @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 4:11 AM
Zoics! I'm wondering about this now, are all of the states going to be using voting machines? I thought they were only being used in some of the areas. They take the fun out of everything.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 4:47 AM
They put the new machines because last time a lot of people complained the paper ballots could be faked. But I think the machines complicate the problem even more.
Xod @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 1:33 PM
Wasn't there a trick where you buy frozen bacon and put it in the envelope and when it gets warm it ruins the rest of the envelopes? Hehe... >:D
Amble @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 3:49 PM
They were using booths where I voted. I'm not too keen on those newfangled computer ones, though. I doubt they leave much of a paper trail.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 4:41 PM
As a person who regularly programs sctipts, I can say with authority that electronic voting is the most hair-brained idea ever. Of COURSE it doesn't work. DUH!
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, November 2nd 2004, 10:11 PM
Who cares if it is on paper or electronic? The function of the election is the same: To keep the masses controlled by giving them the illusion they decide their own destiny!

I see all the little people waiting in line for hours, with the silly fantasy their vote is worth something. I laugh at you; you are all but puppets playing a game! Muahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
Xod @ Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 5:51 AM
I like this, this is funny, but Mr. Brentos... why wait for the elections to draw furry porn? You have to draw furry porn every day! Come on, draw more of your little sexy mouse-girl! Xod wants to masturbate to her! >:D
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, November 3rd 2004, 12:00 PM
And finally, the results are out:

[533] Artist: Brentos | Title: Hard Days | Time: 18h 57m
Pic #236

[View Animation]

Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:16 PM
Hi! My first picture here. I clicked 'animation' so I'm really hoping I can finish it when I get more beer. I'll explain it all when it's finished. IF I can that is. I'm still new to all the tools and functions here. Here goes...
Jazzpirate @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:40 PM
wow, this is lovely! can I earn a square? Ill love you SO hard! *thrust*
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:49 PM
Wow, this looks great already. Especially Xod's. :D

Can't wait to see it finished!
OnionBob - [Homepage] @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:55 PM
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:57 PM
Wow, thanks you guys! usually I have to wait a week to get a comment on the Wacintaki. Not that I'm complaining though, it's a perfectly fine goofy cartoon board. And yes, it looks like I can finish it, which was my biggest concern. And both of you are already planned out to be in it. Oh yeah!
Al @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:59 PM
Who’s the handsome guy with the long hair and the chipped tooth? :)
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:12 PM
It's Xod. But don't worry, you're in there too.
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:14 PM
Oh wait. you said long hair. I guess that gag was pretty lame. Never mind. But yeah it's you!
Al @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:15 PM
oooo ZING!
ShadowWalkerInc @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:43 PM
:pokes a square:
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:08 PM
Hmm... either I'm wearing a baseball glove, or Tawny is desperately and unsuccessfully trying to give me a BJ.
Pryo @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:42 PM
oh oh !! can I get a square too... =) tho noone knows how I look like
* thinks of a nifty icon* maybe u can make me one LOL.. this pic is great...
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:42 PM
it's not you, it's Xod. They're all Xods. *another zinger from The Brentos Institute*
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:47 PM
Oh, dude! It's me, I theenk. Below Figgy wig! Haha, this is a neat idea. I like it a lot.
Cloven @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 7:53 PM
If I could get a square I'll love you long time, longer than Jazz :P
Dm @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 8:05 PM
Wait I get it! This is a player select screen! Choose your fighter!!

All kidding aside, welcome to the board Brentos. :)
Xod @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 8:11 PM
Hehe, awesome drawing Brentos! I like them all! And Fig looks particularly hot! Awesome! >:D
Oh, will you draw your mousey girl again? >;)
Xod @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:11 PM
I know how Pryo looks like. >;)
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:29 PM
I love it! I'm glad you are here Brentos, keep posting.
SoreThumb @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:54 PM
Wait, who's that guy below Xod? o_O
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:58 PM
I believe that's Miellaby. Rambo-style, even!
Cloven @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 10:06 PM
If it's a player select screen UltraWill's robot with the clip on tie sooo has to be in there.
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 10:55 PM
Cloven, I think that's Zaku-sensei's robot you're referring to. But yes, it would be t3h awsum is he was in there!
Zaku-sensei @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 11:19 PM
thanks for comparing me to UltraWill though, he kicks so much.
Fig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 11:52 PM
Hah! This is gonna be so cool!
CyborgSunglasses @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:04 AM
Well, doesn't this just rock. :) Hope to see it finished.
ShadowWalkerInc @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:13 AM
XOD! :pounce: hehehe
Cloven @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 6:51 AM
shit, well you both rock so much I got confuzzled. Yes, zaku's robot, with his arms crossed in some sort of Mr. T "you pick me and you already won the match" attitude. :P
As well, who's character is that in the top most middle?
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 9:23 AM
hiya everybody, I'm going to avoid commenting here until I finally get it finished at which point I will explain who they all are and why I chose the characters I did. At first I thought twenty squares would be more than enough but there's just so many artists on this board. There are numerous people here who wont be in this one. I made a list and I'm sticking to it. the list is based mostly on the luck of the draw so apologies in advance.
Satbast @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:32 AM
OoooOoooh! ^o.o^ I think I see me! Looking good, Brentos! I'm all excited to see it finished now.. ^~.~^
No one in particular @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:55 AM
Top-most middle? Looks like Pig witha knife.
Amble @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:16 PM
YAY! It's me! Although my hair is a bit shorter than that. But THANK YOU, Brentos! eeeeeeee
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:25 PM
Whew. I'm so glad you can see it. I hit send and the work I just did wasn't appearing for me, even in a different window. I clicked 'back' and it was still there so I clicked send again but still nothing. I ended up clicking 'back' and drawing that line at the top to make a slight change and clicked 'send' again and BAM it was there. But I can tell from the time of your comment it was there all the time. Things like this freak me out. Imagine inking out an entire comic page on paper and just when you're finished it suddenly disappears. These are the things that keep me up at night. *relief*
onionbob @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 3:50 PM
Hi, you don't know me but I'd love to shamelessly get in on this too if you're willing. It's cool if you're not though. It's just cool when people draw Thom; pictures of whom can be found at :I
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 4:22 PM
It's STILL not done! When it's finished you guys are going to be like "Doh! I KNEW I've seen those squares before!", or something... I hope.

Onion Bob, what a good gallery. I know that I've never seen it before because I would have remembered it. Deadly expressions and some really good compositions. That's my favourite kind of cartooning you got there. Oh yeah!
Jazzpirate @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 4:22 PM
bottom left corner.... is that ME???
onionbob @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 5:02 PM
Very kind of you Brentos. I have to say you have nailed the kind of drawing that I really like, too.

My drawing is connected with my comic, Run Like Hell, whose site is down right now, but will be back up in a few weeks, as my degree is over now. I just need to get some drawing done.
Tigr3ss @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 5:48 PM
I should spend more time here XD
Pryo @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 6:45 PM
lol this is soo cool.
you and me both... LOL I want my pic up there with all the squares...
Satbast @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 7:33 PM
Heehee, its kinda reminding me of that game, Guess Who..Y'know, where each side has a bunch of people, and you ask stuff like "..Is it a guy? Does he wear glasses?" etc etc, to narrow it down... Anyhow, I'm still loving it. ^~.~^
Amble @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 7:35 PM
Jazz, I think that's based on your Valentine's Day drawing.
Cloven @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:04 PM
Judging by the golf cap, I'd say yes. Who else here wears one? Just like I'm the only one that wears a top hat or...umm...Al has bangs that covers his eyes. :P
Jazzpirate @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:40 AM
gyaaaaa! I KISS YOU ALL! thanks! :P

*pelvik fekkin thrust*
Brentos @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:59 PM
Finally done! I'm sure many of you will recognise what I used for a reference now. Besides the 19 reference pics I printed off trying to catch everybody's likenesses. it seems many of you guys and gals don't really have likenesses (or as anthro-artists call them, 'fursonas') which is a shame. It's always really cool to see yourself suddenly show up in someone else's comic. Where I couldn't find your likenesses I chose characters drawn by the respective artists. I'm hoping I didn't inadvertantly chose other people's characters which just happened to be drawn by you guys. The VCL is set up in a cool way that every pic has a comment by the artist which makes it easy to determine an artist's likeness. Deviant Art should follow that lead I think, it would make this easier for newcomers like my self. There's just so many people here! A very hoppin' happenin' place. Anyhow, here's the list...

JOHNS: Moku, Satbast, Tha Pig (ironically...), DM and Cyborg Sunglasses.
RINGOS: Waccoon, Carl, Xod, Al and myself.
PAULS: Amble, Lizard Cath, Pyro, Fig and Seris.
GEORGES: Jazz Pirate (whom for some reason I thought should have a scarf...), Eric, Oz M, Nibiki and Mugen.

Oh yeah!
Amble @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 1:09 PM
Haha, brilliance! I really appreciate the insane amount of effort you put into this.
CyborgSunglasses @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 3:23 PM
Brentos... I love this, but that's Tekno, not me. We share the same PC for the net and he logged in as me durring the brawl... Thanks for the thought, though. <love>
Mugen @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 3:37 PM
Quite fucking awesome!! I do love the group pictures.. I should do one.. e_e But ironically enough, I have a puzzle of this picture (well.. you know, the real beatles one) on the desk next to me! The way you have taken all these poses and made them into oekakiers is absoluetly brilliant. :D You will go down in Deep history, fo' sho!
Dm @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 6:58 PM
Damn! I'm impressed, even moreso with the amount of time it took you to do it. I don't think I ever seen an Oekaki pass the 1000 minute mark. If this was a real album I'd head out and buy it right now! =)
CyborgSunglasses @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 9:38 PM
Why not make it a real album? Lets all get our art together and publish it with this cover, with B's permission, that is. ;)
Pryo @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 11:15 PM
omg is this sooo awsome... i love it *safes* draw more... hehe i would attemp to try but I cant really draw... LOL great work =)
Nibiki @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 11:54 PM
How awesome is that? Haha, I love it. Great work, and thanks for including me!
ArmedWithLuck @ Friday, July 9th 2004, 12:04 AM
Very nice. I probably should draw my avatar sometime.. Never did him on Smut, and haven't done it here.

(Edited on January 6, 2005, 9:46 pm)
Jazzpirate @ Friday, July 9th 2004, 12:54 AM
Im HOT! look at my head! :D incredible work there guy! *humphump*
UltraWill @ Sunday, July 11th 2004, 12:31 PM
Wait wait wait. Dd you say I drew the clip-on robo? I make up everything as I go along, Ultra-bullshit style...Zaku knows what he's talking about!

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