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2024-06-07: Small fix for URL auto-linking. Yes, the board is still alive and well!

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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[8006] Artist: Brentos | Title: Love For Sale. Come On And Try It. | Time: 1h 41m
Pic #5161
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 20th 2021, 6:52 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, November 20th 2021, 7:36 PM
LOL I make some cringeworthy drawings sometimes. The whole time I'm drawing it I'm like Fuck yeah this is the coolest shit I ever done!
pinderhooks @ Sunday, November 21st 2021, 10:24 AM
The line between Cringe and Cool is a very fine one, and I would argue that there's a lot of overlap between the two :') Anyway I think it's pretty badass, doing a buck naked "You shall not pass!" pose holding a katana in front of an erupting volcano! I'd be surprised if it WASN'T the coolest shit you've ever done!
Brentos @ Saturday, November 27th 2021, 2:39 AM
:lol: Now I'm thinking what WAS the 'coolest' thing I've drawn, probably not much! I'm thinking for some reason the drawing I did of my Deazle character fighting the banana while his truck Stonewall is rolling down the hill, it just looked 'cool' to me but except he's fighting a giant floating BANANA!! You see what I'm saying mutha-fucka? I always gotta have something CRINGE in my stuff! It's like I do it subconsciously or something. I think the Sandinista album cover spoof I did here counts as cool, or any time I do something actually funny that's always cool. Most of my stuffos is crinjos.
The other day I went to grab a new pair of work gloves and the 'inspector' number or the 'assembler' number or what ever you call it was X-66 and I thought that was pretty cool but what does that have to do with anything you Deep Thinking Pervert?!?!??
balki @ Monday, November 29th 2021, 10:00 AM
I love her!
Brentos @ Saturday, December 4th 2021, 6:19 PM
Of course thanks for the nice comments you guys but I just thought of something: The Age Of The Stretchty Legs!!! People walking around with really long legs...
balki @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 3:53 AM
I'd give anything for longer legs. lol my Dad is 6'3" and my Mom was 5 feet, I got the short end of the stick. I always wished I was 5'8" but I'm just under 5'3", just my luck!
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 2:53 AM
LOL the more you describe yourself the more giggity I get :gamer: I'm 6'4'' and weigh like 350 tonnes and it sucks bigtime. I can barely shift gears in my Land Rover with my five-foot legs and that's with the seat backrest taken out. Other people just squat down to weld or whatever but I gotta get down on my knees to do stuff and then hold myself up with one arm or I literally tip over! The world is made for 'short' people let me tell you!
balki @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:23 PM

If you want to see what I look like, especially when the board was active. Here you go. Prepare yourself for film school cringe, though! I did this in college.
Brentos @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 5:24 AM
lol it's a good little movie! You're a great actor and have that kind of Amy Winehouse presence that makes the show! I see no cringe at all. It makes me wonder if famous actors ever feel cringe when they see their old stuff because I bet they do. But to make this a REALLY good movie I'd have you packing an AK-47 the whole time for no reason, you'd be like changing a mag and re-cocking it in the first scene and then just having it slung over your shoulder for the rest of the movie but I'm weird :P

[8005] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 374 | Time: 4h 56m
Pic #5160
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 13th 2021, 5:14 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:38 am)

[8004] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 373 | Time: 7h 21m
Pic #5159
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, October 30th 2021, 4:03 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:38 am)
pinderhooks @ Sunday, October 31st 2021, 6:16 PM
We know it's your fault, and you have a lot to answer for! :P
balki @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:08 PM

Oh my, I do miss Calli. It's all MY fault@ xD

[8003] Artist: Brentos | Title: Sakana Katana Model Sheet | Time: 5h 16m
Pic #5158
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Thursday, September 30th 2021, 6:05 AM
Here you go, Sakana! This was super fun to do...
Brentos @ Friday, October 1st 2021, 12:08 AM
It looks like the 'draw animation' feature no longer exists with this V 3.1, oh well small price to pay as long as I can use colour and pixel sizes again. The animation feature was always a bit buggy anyhow. Thanks again Waccoon for setting this stuff up, man! OH YEAH!
Brentos @ Friday, October 1st 2021, 12:12 AM
Hey Sakana, looks like we're both logged in at the same time! This is the second time I've drawn your character with some teeth missing so that makes it a new super power for you, teeth that grow back!
Brentos @ Sunday, October 3rd 2021, 10:31 PM
Hey Sakana, if you haven't uploaded this yet to your FA page then good cuz I'd like to make some changes to your sword in the upper left hand corner...
Sakana_Katana @ Tuesday, October 5th 2021, 12:21 PM
Oh yeah, I don't always log-off when I'm done, to save on typing when coming back. Wow, Brentos, this is just what I expected of you plus more: it's in colour! Thanks very much for it; I knew it wouldn't take you 4 months.
I'm just a simple samurai chef tanuki and know nothing of this "draw animation" thing of which you speak but, the near sequential art of the upper 3 images is giving me ideas about animating them with plain ol' Photoshop. Maybe those are my baby teeth growing out: I must still have my baby claws, too. No, I haven't uploaded it to my FA but, if you alter my sword, remember that it's a glorified chef's knife, like Ichigo Kurasaki's "Zanpakutō" in the _Bleach_ anime series. Isbelle Smith got it right in her pic on my FA:
Brentos @ Thursday, October 7th 2021, 2:39 AM
I totally forgot that you carried a zanpakuto usually. (I especially forgot what it was called...) But yeah it's meant to be a samurai sword here because (spoiler alert) in Lust you're actually going to come into possession of Credence's sword at some point! That's kind of what I want to change, I couldn't make the slight curve of her sword translate into the 16 bit-look without it looking like a mistake, which is why I made it straight in two of the images. I thought I could pull it off when it was at a 45 degree angle but now it looks like crap. If I tried to make it your proper sword it would look even worse. So I was thinking of changing the top-left image also with a straight sword. With this kind of drawing I found that everything needs to be in multiples of 45 degrees, I had to go back and change lots of the contstruction lines to get it the way it is right now. but anyhow...

For some reason the other pics I did of you had you with the lighter-coloured cheeks but Isbelle's excellent drwing has you with the dark cheeks. I thought 'my way' was right but now looking at your avatar for here I notice I originally drew you with the dark cheeks. I have no idea how my versions changed like that. You can see by the lower right image, which is the construction 'colours' for the lower left, I drew you with the dark cheeks as in Isbelle's version. I went back and changed three of the images to the light-coloured cheeksthinking that was the wy to go! Let me know about that, do you want the 'light' or 'dark' cheeks and I'll try to remember it. (I'll be able to change that here)

LOL you're a simple samurai chef tanuki like Jimmy Dore is a simple night club comedian! I'm a Dore-knob in case you didn't know so I liked how you wrote that. The draw animation I'm talking about was how we could click on the feature and it would show an animation of how the drawing was made, remember? It would get about 3/4's of the way through and then freeze up all the time? I guess it was always to much data to stream or something...

If you want to animate this that would be fucking AWESOME! Give me a couple weeks and I'll draw some more poses for it, I don't think the three will be enough. When he lands every second time or whatever you could alter his 'standing' position by changing his leg-length at the waist for a few seconds like when an eighties video game character is waiting for the next move, that would be cool! I would like to add an image of him between the upper-left and upper-right positions plus some other positions. If you animate the lower-left make sure to have his pupils rolling around the whites of his eyes, I think that would be hilarious! I could make some more images of the stars too to really add to it. I'm fuckin' stoked for this shit now man!

I don't have the chops to do any animations but if you do, I bet it would be fairly easy to like make his pupils move around and stuff with photoshop... Changing it here in oekaki is a bit of a pain in the ass but do-able...
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, November 4th 2021, 5:16 PM
Great Caesar's ghost, has it taken me nearly a month to respond!?

IRL, I prefer the look of the Ninjas' Ninja-to with the straight blade and the 45° tip (that everyone hawking a blade with it calls a "tanto" point. MEH). Have that point on my favourite pocketknives. None of that sweeping Samurai stuff, which I've read was a fault of the tempering process, anyway. My furrsona's blade is a large chef's knife (the Zanpakutō came closest to an example of prior art to give Izzy) because... chef. Also, I now should draw Credence, in advance appreciation of that. As for your first pic's blade having a curve to it, I thought it was the result of motion blur during the swing: works for me, as I can use it.

Darker cheeks is probably being consistent; just don't let them become one with the eye mask area: too much dark in a small image.

I WAS going for more of a Phil Hartman vibe there, with that line from his _SNL_ Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer character, "who knows nothing of which you speak...". I've been watching Dore on ScrewTube, finding him a bit dry but, I'll give him a fair chance on your recommendation. A Dore-knob, eh? Are his female fans "Dore-Knockers"? I remember that animation feature; not its name. Always watched them to see how you real professionals drew, then complained to Wac when they choked.

Yes, more images are always helpful in animation. If you must change something, how about making the stars into circling birds, if the resolution will render them, as you did in the plane crash scene where I had an awful salmon-coulored kimono. I really should put my "ZZ Top Has Very Ugly Legs" animation on my FA, as an example of simple Photoshop GIF animation. I've wanted to link to it on several occasions in Chat but, found it's still stuck on another home compy or my phone. As they say in advertising, WATCH THIS SPACE.

BTW: Izzy has posted here MANY years ago, well actually in Coonakaki. You may search for her there under one of her many pen names as "Angel of Darkness" and find four of her coon pics.

[8002] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 372 | Time: 12h 58m
Pic #5157
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, September 26th 2021, 4:16 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:37 am)
Sakana_Katana @ Wednesday, September 29th 2021, 9:49 PM
O.K. who brought a gun to a knife fight?
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, September 29th 2021, 10:03 PM
Damn, a double fatality in this episode! Things are getting exciting since Brentos showed up again, which is purely coincidental, I'm sure! :P

[8001] Artist: Brentos | Title: I Don't Believe It | Time: 5m 59s
Pic #5156

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Friday, September 10th 2021, 12:52 AM
I just saw your notice Waccoon and wow, everything seems to be well in the world. OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Brentos @ Saturday, September 25th 2021, 11:41 PM
So no one's as excited as I about having the ability to use colour and different pixel sizes again? Well I never! I do declare! Hey Sakana, I'll be able to make your pic look half decent now but does anyone have any suggestions on an easy way to give the drawing a pixelated look? I'd have to do some experimenting but any help would be very nas yes...
balki @ Monday, December 20th 2021, 2:31 AM
thank you wac!!!

[7996] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 371 | Time: 15h 19m
Pic #5151
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, August 28th 2021, 4:40 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:36 am)
balki @ Sunday, August 29th 2021, 4:39 PM
Brentos @ Monday, August 30th 2021, 1:37 AM
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, September 2nd 2021, 2:00 PM
Brentos, I tried watching your link but, found the bad acting and faux religiosity unbearable.

Now, THESE demons are cool: _Helluva Boss_ I know I'm throwing you into the deep end in starting off with the current episode, in that you won't know the characters or situation but, you can always start with the pilot and work your way up. I love how Loona, the HellHound, fights like animator Vivsiepop's furrsona, JayJay the werewolf, dances in _Die Young_: with wide stances, lunges and butt-in-the-camera tail-swishing.

Secondly, there's _Bring Your Demon to Work Day_ where daddy's little girl turns out to be something out of this world, just like her momma.
Brentos @ Friday, September 10th 2021, 12:13 AM
This looks like a hilarious cartoon, I'll watch it in the next few days! :lol:

[7992] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 370 | Time: 8h 36m
Pic #5147
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, July 18th 2021, 6:34 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:36 am)
Brentos @ Sunday, July 18th 2021, 6:39 AM
In case you're wondering... It's Jazz Pirate! After all this time!...
Tha_Pig @ Monday, July 19th 2021, 6:25 AM
When your neck is still elongated, you should not be playing around with katanas. Just saying!
Sakana_Katana @ Tuesday, July 20th 2021, 11:05 PM

Including those in name only. ;-)
balki @ Sunday, July 25th 2021, 3:16 PM
Haha! I remember Jazzpirate!
pinderhooks @ Thursday, August 12th 2021, 10:07 PM
Is this neck thing still going on? tbh I think this story arc was just your way of stretching out the comic :P
Brentos @ Saturday, August 14th 2021, 3:29 AM
It goes on for quite a while.

[7991] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 369 | Time: 5h 16m
Pic #5146
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, June 19th 2021, 5:28 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:35 am)
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, June 24th 2021, 11:35 AM
balki @ Friday, July 9th 2021, 9:56 PM
Brentos @ Sunday, July 11th 2021, 3:19 AM
Hey. You're probably wondering what's going on.

[7989] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 368 | Time: 3h 42m
Pic #5144
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, June 5th 2021, 7:20 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:34 am)
pinderhooks @ Thursday, June 10th 2021, 9:26 PM
Is he pointing at us in that last panel? Because personally I think it's much more bizarre than it is hilarious, which of course is par for the course for LUST. My other thought on this episode is that they look like a couple of talking penises arguing with each other...which also seems appropriate for LUST! :crazy:
Brentos @ Saturday, June 12th 2021, 2:01 AM
Now this... This is the correct response to what just happened.
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, June 12th 2021, 8:09 PM
@Pinderhooks Yes, he IS pointing at the readers. Tha_Pig is "breaking the fourth wall", one of my favourite comic tropes. I've used it myself and, encourage others; not just Deadpool, to use it more.

@Brentos And, shame on you for encouraging perversion in this wholesome family site. ;-)
Brentos @ Saturday, June 19th 2021, 1:38 AM
Sakana, he's actually pointing directly at YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, June 19th 2021, 5:50 AM

Senpai noticed me!

[7986] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 367 | Time: 13h 11m
Pic #5141
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Monday, May 24th 2021, 6:59 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:34 am)
Waccoon @ Sunday, May 30th 2021, 4:35 AM
LOL... this was the funniest thing to read after just watching Highlander.
Brentos @ Saturday, June 12th 2021, 2:09 AM
I am Conner MacLeod from the clan MacLeod! I was born on the shores of Lac Lahead and my neck is fucking STRETCHY!!!!!!!!!!

[7982] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 366 | Time: 13h 43m
Pic #5137
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 5:37 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:33 am)
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 11:00 PM
Frame 2: Bukkake!
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, April 8th 2021, 1:28 AM
I need clarification here: is this one of "the stretchy necks"?
Brentos @ Saturday, April 17th 2021, 3:43 AM
Yes it is! It's Ken N Fotter, (the android that's with Waccoon, Brentos, Jazz Pirate, Calli and ol' What's Her Name) the ORIGINAL strechty-neck! The comic has become so amazingly long and drawn-out I get how it doesn't really make much sense at this point. So yeah this is the dawning of the age of the stretchy-necks you screw-heads! Some day a REAL rain will come and wash all the normal-necks off the sidewalk. Now I see clearly.
Brentos @ Saturday, April 17th 2021, 3:50 AM
pinderhooks @ Tuesday, April 20th 2021, 8:28 PM
"Centrifugal force?" Wtf is that? I don't come to DTP for science lessons! I'm glad there's fire & tits in the final panels or I'd drop this comic just like every good habit I ever had
Brentos @ Saturday, April 24th 2021, 2:32 AM
Fuckin EXACTLY! :P
Sakana_Katana @ Sunday, April 25th 2021, 1:41 PM
Centrifugal force is, like, sooooo 20th Century.

Today, it's all about CENTRIPETAL force. ;-)

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