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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[7552] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 175 | Time: 3h 25m
Pic #4707
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Brentos @ Monday, September 16th 2013, 5:34 AM
I seem to have layers again when I retouch something. Did you make any changes to web site Wac? If so then oh yeah.
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 7:07 AM
I'm so on the same page as this particular particulate! Personal space is essential. Also I'm hearing all of Di-Hunt's lines spoken in the Incredible Hulk's voice.
Brentos @ Friday, September 27th 2013, 12:31 AM
Oh yeah! I love it when people say what the voices sound like to them when they read this comic. I was going for something monotone and a little bit spaced out. The Hulk would definenately do the job...
Coon @ Friday, September 27th 2013, 7:43 AM
Like the Hulk if he was on Ambien!

[7549] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 174 | Time: 2h 45m
Pic #4704
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Brentos @ Sunday, September 8th 2013, 6:12 AM
pinderhooks @ Monday, September 9th 2013, 11:55 PM
FYI We only treat our Canadian visitors this way.
Waccoon @ Friday, September 13th 2013, 2:12 AM
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:43 AM
Well if anyone ever complains you're putting their character through the wringer unfairly, all you have to do is point to this. That device could be renamed the Spanish Inquisition, because I doubt anyone has ever expected it!

Also the words "I don't know if I like that kind of individualism" written over a spread polar bear butt should be the emblem for something.

[7548] Artist: Brentos | Title: Freedom And Credence | Time: 1h 20m
Pic #4703


Brentos @ Monday, September 2nd 2013, 5:10 AM
Let's do it for fun...
Irrelevant @ Wednesday, September 4th 2013, 1:18 AM
there's two of them now? i've missed a lot...
Brentos @ Sunday, September 8th 2013, 2:01 AM
There's actually three of them, Freedom, Enterprise and Credence. Freedom and Enterprise only appear shortly and were killed by Tex in a chain of events later described by Tex. It was kind of an unseen scene if that makes any sense. It's things like this that make my comics sometimes very difficult to follow.
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 7:01 AM
Still concealing the snootches, I see! No, I kid, I'm just riffing on what Pinderhooks said before. These are quite some winsome demonesses, and this has a nice album cover look to it.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, October 1st 2013, 9:13 AM
I want them on my beach head...

[7547] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 173 | Time: 2h 27m
Pic #4702
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Brentos @ Monday, September 2nd 2013, 3:12 AM
With apologies to Douglas Coupland's J-Pod for the fourth panel. J-Pod is seriously the most hilarious novel I've ever read period. Oh Yeah!
Irrelevant @ Wednesday, September 4th 2013, 1:20 AM
I only read MicroSerfs, but yeah, he seems like a great writer
Brentos @ Sunday, September 8th 2013, 2:25 AM
I think Microserfs was a bit of a let down, not his best work but it seems to be his most well known. For a very strange read I think Girlfriend In A Coma is his most bizarre. Most of his stuff is awesome.
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:35 AM
I got a huge laugh out of the "OH YEAH" and "OH NOOOO" panels. XD Well actually the whole "Oh, VCL eh? ANAL CAVITY SEARCH!" bit.

[7543] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 172 | Time: 3h 39m
Pic #4698
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Brentos @ Monday, August 26th 2013, 5:00 AM
I like to think I'm preaching to the choir here, that everybody that reads this already knows this. Like it should be pretty obvious to my fellow Deep Thinkers or something. But since America is behind such an iron curtain right now (and Canada for that matter...) I thought this page could be a little enlightening for somebody somewhere.

No punchline today because I rant out of panels.
Calli @ Monday, August 26th 2013, 9:31 AM
amen, brotha.
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:57 AM
The punchline is... It's true, and the joke's on us!

[7539] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 171 | Time: 2h 23m
Pic #4694
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Brentos @ Monday, August 19th 2013, 3:40 AM
I'm running off on a major tangent again here...
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, August 28th 2013, 12:21 AM
"I'm already checking your internet activity.....
Aha, it says here that you're a Deep Thinking Pervert(tm)."

"What, it says that? Oh fuck! I mean...Ohhh fuck!"

Thus begins the Pervert Persecution. Perv-secution?
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:55 AM
Guh, if I was being confronted by an official and they said "We're checking your Internet activity" I'd actually attempt to escape through the air conditioning ducts! Not that it would work, it just reflects the level of desperation that would cause. Desperate enough to get stuck in a duct.

[7538] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 170 | Time: 3h 22m
Pic #4693
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Brentos @ Friday, August 16th 2013, 5:22 AM
I thought I'd upload an unfinished page because when I went to retouch the other one it still had the layers. When I safety-save I always lose the layers so this is kind of an experiment...
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, August 18th 2013, 2:06 AM
Obviously the NSA censored the last three panels.
Brentos @ Monday, August 19th 2013, 12:24 AM
LOL that's right!
Brentos @ Monday, August 19th 2013, 1:13 AM
Uncensored version now available!

[7537] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 169 | Time: 5h 7m
Pic #4692
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Brentos @ Friday, August 16th 2013, 2:35 AM
Brentos @ Friday, August 16th 2013, 2:37 AM
Major re-write in the 9th 10th and 11th panels. Read them again for the first time!

[7535] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 168 | Time: 3h 22m
Pic #4690
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Brentos @ Monday, August 12th 2013, 1:16 AM
I had to change the Ravishing One's nose from black to white. I'm trying to make his hair all Jim Morrisoney but he kept ending up looking like Hitler...
Mugen @ Monday, August 12th 2013, 6:34 PM
gosh dangit brentos
Brentos @ Tuesday, August 13th 2013, 10:14 PM
What! What'd I do?
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:41 AM
It's as if you know me! This is thrilling.

[7531] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 167 | Time: 3h 16m
Pic #4686
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Brentos @ Monday, August 5th 2013, 4:19 AM
The Ravishing One, He had something drawn I think about the time I started this so I put him in the comic. I think he was a one time kind of drive-by artist who has no idea that he's even in this comic. There's something about that cracks me up. Like he's someday going to pop by and be like what the fuck? Same with Sachi, or Tachi or whatever her name is. I wonder how Al's doing in his mission to wipe out the ponies is going? I'm thinking he's not allowed to look at this site now that the Brits have banned internet 'porn' or whatever the hell that country did. I read something about that recently but don't know if it's true. I mean like that would be like Russia banning gay people or something.
Coon @ Sunday, September 22nd 2013, 6:39 AM
Oh wow! *aflutter* I'm glad I never posted any character refs, this is WAY better! I like Irrelevant a lot too, you can never have too many ghosts.

[7529] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 166 | Time: 3h 6m
Pic #4684
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Brentos @ Saturday, August 3rd 2013, 6:21 AM

[7525] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 165 | Time: 2h 33m
Pic #4680
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Brentos @ Tuesday, July 30th 2013, 5:46 AM
Brentos @ Thursday, August 1st 2013, 12:02 AM
looking at this again I'm wondering what Di-Hunt would think about this. Maybe I've got him just a tad wee bit too mental here. I'd ask him but he only comes by like once a year. What do YOU think?
Coon @ Thursday, August 1st 2013, 3:52 AM
I was quite amazed how quickly you were able to have him come together as a coherent character! Somehow this whole episode gave me this image of him as being a ghost, since the anecdote about the steak knives almost seemed like something he was relating from when he was still alive, like the monologue of a single-minded haunting spirit. That and the bit about liking cold food, and nobody knowing who he was, and him not even having been on the plane.

Eerie and entertaining! I think you're doing great.
Tha_Pig @ Friday, August 2nd 2013, 2:09 PM
Steaks on a Plane would have been a much better movie with Samuel L. Jackson.
Brentos @ Saturday, August 3rd 2013, 3:10 AM
Steaknado would have been a better movie than that one.

I never really thought of him being a ghost but you've made me think of something that I'll probably write in. She doesn't know who he is because there's supposed to be a whole bunch of other survivors at the camp and not everybody knows each other. It's a cheesy way for me to add more characters every now and then. Di-Hunt was on the plane though and I tried to make it like Rayebs quickly accepts that he's not trying to kill him and starts eating the food. When I look back at a lot of these pages I see there's tons of parts that are damn near impossible for the reader to understand. But anyhow, now I think I have a way to not have Di-Hunt so retarded all the time. It kind of turned out this way because I wanted his character to be like how his icon shows him.

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