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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[7711] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 257 | Time: 3h 48m
Pic #4866
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Brentos @ Monday, May 4th 2015, 3:18 AM

[7710] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 256 | Time: 3h 14m
Pic #4865
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Brentos @ Monday, April 27th 2015, 3:53 AM
I had to use construction lines on the tenth panel here, I promised myself I wouldn't do that when I started this but there's no way I could have got the perspective good enough without it. But then again lots of things. :gamer:

[7709] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 255 | Time: unknown
Pic #4864
(Click to enlarge)

Brentos @ Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, 2:50 AM

[7707] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 254 | Time: 1h 59m
Pic #4862
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Brentos @ Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 4:22 AM

[7706] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 253 | Time: 2h 49m
Pic #4861
(Click to enlarge)

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Brentos @ Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 2:11 AM

[7705] Artist: Brentos | Title: Fight | Time: 1h 25m
Pic #4860
(Click to enlarge)

Brentos @ Friday, March 20th 2015, 5:39 AM
This is the face of cartoon violence.
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 4:56 AM
And its butt too...
Brentos @ Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 12:22 AM
Oh god what a bad picture.
Brentos @ Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 12:34 AM
There, that's better.
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, April 15th 2015, 9:56 AM
She spilled the ketchup!
Barbeque is ruined!

[7704] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 252 | Time: 3h 4m
Pic #4859
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Brentos @ Friday, March 20th 2015, 4:07 AM
More bla bla! Things are moving right along...

[7703] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 251 | Time: 2h 16m
Pic #4858
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Brentos @ Wednesday, March 18th 2015, 3:48 AM
Sakana_Katana @ Thursday, March 19th 2015, 10:34 PM
Obviously, you worked to a story line script, with some on-the-fly editing, but it amazes me that you place the dialogue first and then fit the art to it. Animation worked!
Brentos @ Friday, March 20th 2015, 1:58 AM
I only write out the whole page first if it's going to be overly wordy and not have any funny parts in it to keep my train of thought for what needs to be said. This is one reason I think comics can be tricky, if it was say a movie this dialogue would only be a minute or so. But in a comic if I wanted to have this conversation while something interesting was happening visually it would have been more like five pages so every once in a while to prevent it dragging on I just make a page like this (and the next one). I seriously think pages like this can be death for a comic, even though I still do it sometimes.
The all time master of having a running story line with consistent humour is Gary Trudeau with his Doonesbury strip where there's a joke every four panels and the story runs along perfectly. So since I'm not him I just make a page like this but hopefully not too much. I think I just ran off topic from your comment here. See what I mean?
Brentos @ Friday, March 20th 2015, 2:26 AM
Also I like how I talk about comics like I'm expert or something.

[7702] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 250 | Time: 3h 22m
Pic #4857
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Brentos @ Friday, March 13th 2015, 4:37 AM
Holy crap it's the 250th page frikkin' exstranzafuckingava! Truly this is a historic moment in time I tell ya.
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, March 14th 2015, 12:39 AM
Happy 250th! I bet you're going for 666. Another premature termination - cartoonis interruptus - of the animation, but what's that squiggle over several frames at the end? Wac?
pinderhooks @ Saturday, March 14th 2015, 11:37 PM
So being a pervert = immortality? Doesn't that make everyone on LUST island a god? And like, do they each hold dominion over a specific fetish?
Brentos @ Wednesday, March 18th 2015, 1:08 AM
It's pretty much that! Or maybe the fetishes hold dominion over them...

Sak: I can rarely have the patience to watch the animations all the way through because every time I try to speed them up it ends up freezing at some point.

And uggh, every time I try to come up with a name it's so lame. I was thinking she's like from some tough neighborhood so I thought Brooklyn sounds cool. (I've always been a fan of New York for some reason) So I look up a list of all the street names in Brooklyn for some inspiration and the first one on the list was Abbey Court so I think that'll do. :what:

[7700] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 249 | Time: 3h 26m
Pic #4855
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Brentos @ Thursday, March 5th 2015, 5:51 AM
Brentos @ Friday, March 6th 2015, 9:03 PM
This video's a bit late especially because they're already making headway on their FIFTH state:

[7698] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 248 | Time: 2h 57m
Pic #4853
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Brentos @ Monday, March 2nd 2015, 3:57 AM

[7697] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 247 | Time: 3h 1m
Pic #4852
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Brentos @ Monday, February 23rd 2015, 4:29 AM

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