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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[8085] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 385 | Time: 7h 58m
Pic #5240
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, May 27th 2023, 5:07 AM

[8081] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 384 | Time: 9h 41m
Pic #5236
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, April 29th 2023, 4:59 AM
Shit I had to retouch this page. I forgot to draw in the keg of gun powder that B4rt's carrying! :cry:

(Edited on May 6, 2023, 3:10 am)
Waccoon @ Saturday, April 29th 2023, 11:04 PM
How do you know if someone is French? Don't worry... he'll tell you.
Miellaby @ Tuesday, May 2nd 2023, 6:59 AM
Being included in the most bizarre web comics ever has definitely made this day one to remember. :lol:
Brentos @ Thursday, May 4th 2023, 10:32 PM
My intention was to have everyone in particular in the comic like years ago but had no idea I'd go on and on with the overly-complicated storyline like I did! You were originally going to be one of the 'others' but you know how it goes... >:D
I haven't even gotten to the 'others' yet is that unreal or what?
Brentos @ Thursday, May 4th 2023, 10:43 PM
Total side note: I just came across this super cool comic on viewcomicsonline and just had to share it! I haven't seen such an outstanding comic in decades no exaggeration!

[8080] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 383 | Time: 7h 13m
Pic #5235
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, April 1st 2023, 6:28 AM
pinderhooks @ Saturday, April 1st 2023, 7:16 PM
Shrinking heads and stretchy necks! Too bad none of that action ever happens a little lower on the body, if yah catch my drift ;)

[8077] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 382 | Time: 10h 26m
Pic #5232
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Friday, March 3rd 2023, 4:46 AM
:) As you can see here ah had to go back and see how I was drawing the characters originally so that's why everyone here in particular suddenly look different now yuh hear?
pinderhooks @ Monday, March 6th 2023, 8:27 PM
They do look a little different! Well, it doesn't hurt to shake things up sometimes, like fer instance putting an active volcano into your story. That'll definitely shake things up!
Brentos @ Sunday, March 12th 2023, 2:34 PM
Tha_Pig @ Monday, March 13th 2023, 2:16 PM
All according to plan...

[8076] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 381 | Time: 5h 51m
Pic #5231
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, February 11th 2023, 5:03 AM

[8075] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 380 | Time: unknown
Pic #5230
(Click to enlarge)

Brentos @ Friday, January 27th 2023, 6:42 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, February 4th 2023, 2:52 AM
I'm just kind of sitting here drinking listening to tunes trying to think what happens next. I have the basic storyline thought out I just don't know how to get this thing going again...
Brentos @ Saturday, February 4th 2023, 3:24 AM
It's been so long since we've seen this part of the story I'm afraid I'm gonna have to do some exposition here. There's just no two ways about it I say I must say. I'll try to keep it to a minimum... :/
Brentos @ Saturday, February 4th 2023, 3:40 AM
Off Topic: I saw this one video that stated that The Girl From Impanema is the second most recorded song in history which got me to thinking what's THE MOST recorded song in history? I thought it would be The House Of The Rising Sun but just looked it up and NO, it's not that. So my question is, without looking it up what do YOU think it is? No prize or nothing I just thought it'd be fun to see what everybody in particular here thinks it is... What do YOU think it is?????
Tha_Pig @ Monday, February 6th 2023, 6:04 AM
I'm pretty sure the most recorded song of all time is this one
Brentos @ Friday, February 10th 2023, 11:55 PM
ROL I said REEcorded not RICKorded!

[8069] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 379 | Time: 5h 25m
Pic #5224
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, December 4th 2022, 7:05 AM
Holy crap I'm FINALLY ready to transition to another part of the story. But I need your help everyone! My Mac-Mini from YEARS ago had the basic photoshop built into it which was awesome and EASY to figure out. The I-Mac I have now doesn't have anything like that. All I really need to do is download all 378 pages of Lust so I can do that old 'previously on Lust' thing where I take some panels from the previous pages to build up for the next part of the story. It'll pretty much be just copy and pasting some panels and being able to adjust their sizes so they fit into the panels of the next page.
So if anyone's got any suggestions on what ap or whatever to download for doing something like that would be hugely appreciated. What I'm looking for is something SIMPLE to use and hopefully something cheap or free and safe to use while being compatible with a Mac. Any suggestions anyone? :duh:

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:41 am)
Xod @ Sunday, December 4th 2022, 10:30 AM
378 pages long? I need so much reading to do.
For drawing programs I just use the popular free ones, like GIMP, Krita, Inkscape, Blender.
Brentos @ Tuesday, December 20th 2022, 4:49 AM
Make that 379! In the process of saving every page I found out that I had two pages with the same page number. I had to edit about half of the pages as I saved them by the actual page numbers opposed to the drawing numbers shown when I opened them. Took forever and now my head is spinning after trying to keep everything from getting more mixed up. :crazy:
Brentos @ Tuesday, December 20th 2022, 4:52 AM
I downloaded GIMP so I'll see if I can figure it out now... :gamer:
Tha_Pig @ Monday, January 16th 2023, 5:12 AM
I use a free version of Photoshop they released some years ago. I'm not sure if there is a Mac version of it.
I tried Gimp, but I was disappointed with it. It can do simple graphic stuff, but it can't compare to Photoshop in function any more than a plastic tricycle compares with a motorcycle. Yeah, technically they are both vehicles...
Brentos @ Sunday, January 22nd 2023, 1:36 AM
I'm finding this GIMP practically impossible to use. I'm going through a tutorial right now and holy crap is there ever like five steps to go through just to do one thing. :gamer:
Brentos @ Sunday, January 22nd 2023, 5:03 AM
It looks like no free version for Macs. I just installed Krita and seems to be quite easy to use, I'll try some more another day. :)

[8068] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 378 | Time: 7h 11m
Pic #5223
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Thursday, November 10th 2022, 6:00 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:41 am)
pinderhooks @ Monday, November 21st 2022, 9:12 PM
She's right, I don't believe what happened to her! And check out that motion blur on panel 8, I don't know if he was more excited by the mention of the Hitchhiker's Guide or by the appearance of the disembodied rabbit head. Both are interesting subjects for discussion!

[8065] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 377 | Time: 5h 21m
Pic #5220
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, September 24th 2022, 5:02 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:40 am)
Brentos @ Saturday, September 24th 2022, 5:24 AM
And just in case you don't know who The Specials are...

Oh wait, wrong link... Try this one!

FUCK!!! I meant this one!

Okay hang on, this is it for sure this time. Duck Duck Go is your friend...
pinderhooks @ Thursday, October 6th 2022, 9:17 PM
So what you're saying is that the Specials have stretchy necks, but having a stretchy neck isn't special?
Brentos @ Saturday, October 22nd 2022, 2:30 AM
That's right! For the time being they're The Averages!
balki @ Sunday, October 30th 2022, 10:17 PM

[8027] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 376 | Time: 8h 46m
Pic #5182
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, July 16th 2022, 5:58 AM
I would like to point out that my best friend, who is dead, would have laughed his head off at this page. ;)

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:40 am)
pinderhooks @ Saturday, July 16th 2022, 10:58 PM
Yep all we really can do with friends and family that have died is to share memories of them, and similarly hope that somebody will remember us when we become dead. It's interesting how a person can, in a way, become memory. And in the case of famous historical figures that are only read about but never truly known, can exist in peoples' imagination, even though different people will imagine the historical figure differently. I do believe this strip has legitimately brought up a subject that's worth a bit of deep thinking!
Coon @ Sunday, July 17th 2022, 3:04 AM
"We won't run out" does make for quite the opportunity for a tribute! It's enough to make one start searching for things to drink to.
Brentos @ Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 6:07 AM
That's right! I can't say for sure He'd like this, even though I'm pretty certain he would. For instance when Monty Python did a live reunion tour and at every venue they had Graham Chapman's ashes and they'd 'accidentally' spill some of them on to the stage. He thought that was awesome. But still, you can never know for sure if Graham Chapman would approve. So maybe the whole time we aren't really what we think of ourselves, but we're what OTHERS think of us. There's a Douglas Coupland novel, Miss Wyoming, where the main character's a has-been eighties celebrity and when she appears to die in a plane crash she gets to see what people REALLY think of her...

I'll drink to that! :D

[8007] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 375 | Time: 6h 55m
Pic #5162
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Friday, March 18th 2022, 4:37 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:39 am)
pinderhooks @ Sunday, March 20th 2022, 1:38 AM
Hell yeah, enough chatter! It's about time for these walking talking Pez dispensers to get into some more wacky antics!

[8005] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 374 | Time: 4h 56m
Pic #5160
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 13th 2021, 5:14 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:38 am)

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