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[1691] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Bat Boobs! | Time: 2h
Pic #257
(Click to enlarge)

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NaniMoose @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 3:26 AM
Bat Boobs!
Nothing more, nothing less.
No one in particular @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 3:29 AM
Very good, sir. Very good.
Johnny Electric @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 3:33 AM
Hooray sir, hooray.
NaniMoose @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 3:54 AM
Thank you, sirs, thank you.
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 4:04 AM
You rock!!!!!!!!
Waccoon @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 4:41 AM
&ldquo;You went into the Sphere, didn't you?&rdquo;
katoryu diethel @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 4:53 AM
Damn nice, I totally love the bra o__o (the pattern and details especially) she's lookin so cute ^^
Xod @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 6:53 AM
Gorgeous batgirl with big succulent breasts! You made an extremely well job on her brassier. I am aroused, how could I not? >;D~
Cloven @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 10:47 AM
Brentos @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 3:15 PM
Zoics! This place is definately having an awesome-art day! her expression/body language reminds me so much of Jack Davis from the old Mad magazines, except more awesome. Oh Yeah! Double Oh Yeah!
Endeavour3d @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 4:33 PM
That bra must have taken forever, boobs are hot too.
Sabine @ Sunday, February 27th 2005, 6:01 PM
Definitely one of the sexiest femmes I have ever seen. That bra is to die for @_________@
Dejection @ Monday, February 28th 2005, 1:04 AM
I am in love.
LiquidCrystalDelay @ Tuesday, March 1st 2005, 1:37 PM
Why am I unable to keep myself from hearing in my head "Na na na na na na na na na na na na na... BAT BOOOOOOOOBS!"?
Calli @ Saturday, March 12th 2005, 1:49 PM
that bra is just awesome. as is the rest of the pic. you just dont ever stop kicking ass, do you?

[1679] Artist: Dejection | Title: Dyssie | Time: 9h 59m
Pic #240

[View Animation]
Dejection @ Wednesday, February 23rd 2005, 4:17 PM
Hi. It's my first oekaki. Please be gentle. I am new to this oekaki. Hi. The timer is off, I stopped in the middle to read War and Peace. Sorry the quality is so bad, I drew this on an etch a sketch attached to a commodore 64.

(Edited on February 24, 2005, 12:57 am)
Xod @ Wednesday, February 23rd 2005, 5:37 PM
Fantastic lines... You are a mistress of solid painting! >:)
SoreThumb @ Thursday, February 24th 2005, 1:08 AM
heard allt hose before.
Nice nice nice, Dej. :3
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, February 24th 2005, 1:49 AM
Lies, all lies!
Dm @ Thursday, February 24th 2005, 2:02 AM
Hi Dejection. Welcome to the board. I hope you......hey wait a minute!!!

Lovely lemur lady. Drawing the meshwork on her outfit looks like it must've been super tedious.
Xod @ Thursday, February 24th 2005, 8:05 PM
Ah... she is so sexy.... >:p~
Awesome drawing, your style is so elegant. >:)
Huns @ Saturday, February 26th 2005, 12:06 AM
congratulations, you are the only person on earth who actually finishes oekakis that are submitted undone
Brentos @ Wednesday, March 2nd 2005, 2:04 PM
This is way better than my first oekaki. In fact it's better than my LAST oekaki. I think you're going to be hey wait a minute!... What?
hqlldtzvic - [Homepage] @ Saturday, June 28th 2008, 11:42 AM
j0vsrsfspheueyuyv o3gwxephrwwi0mhvr

[1653] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: Happy Love Day! | Time: 37m 51s
Pic #206

Tha_Pig @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 8:11 AM
The classic symbol of love: A heart impaled in an arrow!
Xod @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 8:22 AM
Very realistic heart! It reminds me that some people have a heart fetish! It is impressive how diverse fetishes are. <:)
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 8:29 AM
You forgot to masturbate!!!!!
katoryu diethel @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 8:32 AM
oooooooooh....a bloody's so sweeet >O<
Huns @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 8:52 AM
valentine's day is a great day for hallmark
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 10:02 AM
...and chocolate industry.
Xod @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 10:59 AM
And the flower shops! <:)
katoryu diethel @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 11:57 AM
And feminine lingerie shop too :/
Cloven @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 12:59 PM
Don't forget those crappy little candy hearts that taste like they're made from chalk dust and wouldn't rightfully sell any other time of the year.
bukefalos @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 3:12 PM
Now do one burning.
Waccoon @ Monday, February 14th 2005, 2:38 AM
@Cloven: Hey, I like those! But then, I like marshmallow peanuts, too.
straw @ Monday, February 14th 2005, 6:35 AM
love the color work!
my friend says "looks like a bong!"
hes stupid.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, February 15th 2005, 3:05 AM
Maybe he is just stoned!
Tigr3ss @ Friday, February 18th 2005, 3:18 PM
kawaii! Ah, a wonderful old classic :D

[1645] Artist: Xod | Title: I like having sex with cartoons | Time: 2h 22m
Pic #198
(Click to enlarge)

[View Animation]
Xod @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 7:43 AM
If only that would be possible... >:)
katoryu diethel @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 3:30 PM
XD maybe it can work...nothing (or almost) is impossible ^___^;;;

Je pense que eux ils apprécie ben gros le sexe anal xD ou sinon...ben il font très bien semblant!
Jambone @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 7:21 PM
Is this yet another abu ghraib prison photo?
Moopy @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 8:13 PM
Xod, will you marry me?
Huns @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 10:02 PM
"La Parisienne"
Cloven @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 10:08 PM
Mon dieu! or as I prefer to say, Mein gott in himmel!
Clones screwing each other, would that be incest or masturbation? :P
KleSt @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 11:44 PM
The Dalton Bros from the Lucky Lucke comics?

That's it Xod, nobody can top you. XD
stinkywigfiddle @ Saturday, February 12th 2005, 2:52 PM
Your style changes every time you draw something XOD.
Helena @ Saturday, February 12th 2005, 6:10 PM
Ahah.. oh my.. oh no. agh. I don't know what to say. So wrong, yet so right..

[1644] Artist: Seraph | Title: Succulent | Time: 2h
Pic #196
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Seraph @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 11:49 PM
The Demoness Lust, a Djinnish ball of feisty horny energy if I've ever met one.
Tha_Pig @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 1:44 AM
I lack words to describe how awesome this picture is!
NaniMoose @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 2:40 AM
I love the rounded figure. Totally sexy! Captain Kirk would agree, he prefers blue tits over green tits. But not by much.
Xod @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 5:15 AM
She looks better than the one on the old american tv series. The shading and swirly texture of the bed sheet is fantastic. The folds look extremely realistic. Also, the candles in the back look oddly decorated and bizarre, yet beautiful. And the girl has such a nice pose and her body is so hot! Electric blue is such a fitting skin colour, hehehehehe! >;D
SoreThumb @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 11:35 AM
Love the colors here, dude. The sheets, her skin, her hair, all very cool. :3~!
katoryu diethel @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 3:31 PM
The colors are perfect...but her suit is so pretty ^^
Endeavour3d @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 4:56 PM
It's freaky how real it looks, excellent
Vic @ Saturday, February 12th 2005, 10:32 PM
No one in particular @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 1:05 AM
Suddenly o/~
I'm half the man I used to be o/~
'Cause I'm an amputee o/~

You draw all sorts of fabulous, you know that?
Seraph @ Sunday, February 13th 2005, 4:18 PM
I actually did include a line, to the lower-left of her left knee, to represent her calf folded under her thigh.

[1641] Artist: Xod | Title: Houba Houba! | Time: 1h 16m
Pic #193

[View Animation]
Xod @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 8:23 AM
He likes to houbasturbate too. >:)
NaniMoose @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 11:37 AM
Holy crap, Marsupilami!

You know those rides where a kid sits in it and the parents insert a quarter and it bucks around? These are usually in the shape on a race car or saddled horse or rocket ship. There used to be one at DisneyLand that was Marsupilami lying belly-up balancing on his tail, and the kid kind of sat on the belly, their ass to his crotch as it bucked around. They got rid of it for some reason!
NaniMoose @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 12:09 PM
Oh yes, and awesome pic by the way. He's totally sexy, like a goofy midget Flarn.
Xod @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 12:19 PM
That riding toy must have been too sexy to be allowed in Disneyland! I wish I would ride Marsupilami, I never rode enough of these toys when I was little...
The female of their kind is very hot I believe. >;)
Oh, and that connection with Flarn, I had it in my mind just before drawing him, haha! >:D

(Edited on February 10, 2005, 12:20 pm)
katoryu diethel @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 3:46 PM
:3 and what after? Tintin...Astérix...Spirou??? Whaaat???

OOH..I always liked his tail *play with his tail*
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 7:38 PM
Pinton? :@)
Endeavour3d @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 9:26 PM
I remember this cartoon, shame it was cancelled
Miellaby @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 3:50 AM
poor Franquin.
Did you decide to molest every belgian-school comics character?
LiquidCrystalDelay @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 3:21 PM
Didn't the Disney monolithcorp grab this character?
KleSt @ Friday, February 11th 2005, 11:48 PM
Damn it Xod, you did it again!
Now I wont be able to see Marsupilami with the same "sane and free of all corruption" eyes again. XD

I love the Non-Disney serie.^^
olu6073ilq - [Homepage] @ Friday, May 30th 2008, 2:06 PM
egpaee3m7f 0astp2upz

[1640] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Bzzzzzzz | Time: 2h 21m
Pic #192
(Click to enlarge)

NaniMoose @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 2:19 AM
I realized we need more porn around here! So I drew a foxy girl playing with her toy. And she's thinking about Xod, the sexiest man alive, while she's doing it!
ShadowWalkerInc @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 5:59 AM
Xod is a sexy man! hehe
Xod @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 7:06 AM
Thank you, she is very sexy, hehehe! I will enjoy your drawing while listening to your music. >:)
katoryu diethel @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 7:27 AM
Which foxgirl doesn't think about Xod...So...she seems to like that I decided I wanted one too UoU (it's always fun to have new toys :3)
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 9:48 AM
This must be the new logo of the Firefox Browser!
NaniMoose @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 11:45 AM
Or at least PornZilla...
Xod @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 12:30 PM
That Pornzilla sounds great, I will download it right after I stop masturbating and orgasm to NaniMoose's drawing! >:)
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 3:29 PM
Go, Xod, I'll keep your post.
Endeavour3d @ Thursday, February 10th 2005, 9:28 PM
Hot stuff as always
Skamp @ Monday, February 14th 2005, 2:24 PM
okay it still wont let me see this..
NaniMoose @ Monday, February 14th 2005, 4:03 PM
No porn for Skamp!!

That's odd.. maybe next time I'll skip the adult flag even if it is horribly porny. But if you really want to see it and the BBS is refusing to show, this pic is also on my website (see profile).

[1624] Artist: Sabine | Title: ZRAP | Time: 34m 33s
Pic #171
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Sabine @ Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 11:24 PM
A fennec getting zapped by lightning, or something.

This image makes me much happier than my last upload, although the background still kind of bugs me.
katoryu diethel @ Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 11:28 PM
Pretty original, I love how you did his legs
Waccoon @ Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 11:44 PM
Sabine drew something! *Faints*
No one in particular @ Friday, February 4th 2005, 12:10 AM
Woo, you did one of this style again, woo! Fun good times.
Miellaby @ Friday, February 4th 2005, 7:14 AM
that's an eFennec
Al @ Friday, February 4th 2005, 7:30 PM
How people can make such good stuff with this crappy java app will always escape me.
Tha_Pig @ Friday, February 4th 2005, 7:39 PM
This rocks!
Johnny Electric @ Saturday, February 5th 2005, 12:22 AM
Waccoon @ Saturday, February 5th 2005, 3:23 AM
Open Simsim!
Xod @ Saturday, February 5th 2005, 3:56 AM
I like the stylish patterns and shapes you often use in your drawings, sometimes they look like they are painted on the characters, some other times it looks like the patterns come to life and characters come out of them. In my eyes, it looks like the fennec is mechanical. Hehe, great drawing! >:D
Lauren @ Monday, February 7th 2005, 9:10 PM
AWE. SOME. More yes please.

[1608] Artist: Xod | Title: Belly | Time: 2h 54m
Pic #152

[View Animation]
Xod @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 5:07 PM
I will. >:)
Tha_Pig @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 5:20 PM
That background is so great. Looks like a mysterious forest where kids get lost in the fairy tales.
katoryu diethel @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 5:46 PM
*draw look like at a stickman mixed with a poo and a sausage dog* NOW MASTURBATE TO THIS ;0...
Fig @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 8:02 PM
Katoryu, you know he will.
Tigr3ss @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 9:59 PM
Got any special requests?
stinkywigfiddle @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 10:53 PM
Okay, I will.
Huns @ Monday, January 31st 2005, 11:18 PM
what if I draw a microwave stand how about that
Nika @ Tuesday, February 1st 2005, 3:04 PM
Makes me wanna draw something. :O

[1565] Artist: Waccoon | Title: Blackout? | Time: 5h 19m
Pic #89
(Click to enlarge)

Waccoon @ Monday, January 24th 2005, 11:16 PM
First and last time I draw without jaggy lines. :)
Huns @ Monday, January 24th 2005, 11:33 PM
I think this is a style you should draw in some more.
Tekno @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 12:30 AM
I concur.
Colors wicked here, yes?
Calli @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 12:45 AM
this is freakin fantastic. the blacklight glow is just awesome and your lines are dead on.
also, totally made me giggle. :3
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 1:27 AM
LOL! Awesome!!!!
katoryu diethel @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 6:59 AM
this one look pretty pretty nice, raccoons <3...
Skamp @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 8:54 AM
hehe, he has man boobs

I have a black light too :P
Xod @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 11:03 AM
The girl's breasts are nice! And the man's too! >;D
Endeavour3d @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 1:53 PM
Score 1 Tawny
Toonpimp old @ Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 3:17 PM
I her she,s silly
balki @ Friday, January 28th 2005, 10:35 AM
this is wonderful

[1531] Artist: Dm | Title: yee haw | Time: 3h 48m
Pic #47
(Click to enlarge)

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
Dm @ Friday, January 14th 2005, 8:51 AM
Well it's close to home. And it should be obvious what car this is. ;)

(Edited on January 15, 2005, 1:51 am)
Huns @ Friday, January 14th 2005, 9:28 PM
I thought it was a goat but it isn't. What is it?
Cloven @ Friday, January 14th 2005, 10:13 PM
general lee all grown up? :P
No one in particular @ Saturday, January 15th 2005, 2:18 AM
CyborgSunglasses @ Saturday, January 15th 2005, 11:55 AM
Yesterday I looked at this like 'Meh. It's alright.' Today I glace back and HOLY SHIT. *Wants to touch the shiney car*
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 15th 2005, 6:09 PM
Endeavour3d @ Saturday, January 15th 2005, 6:57 PM
Too bad you can't sell coolness, otherwise you could retire on that awesomeness.
Waccoon @ Saturday, January 15th 2005, 8:54 PM
Sweet work! Too bad the damnimation is broken.
Dm @ Sunday, January 16th 2005, 8:00 AM
Okay, now it's officially done. And the car is the 2006 Dodge Charger.
Al @ Sunday, January 16th 2005, 9:39 AM
Can't be, this looks too nice. It's not ugly enough to be a Dodge Charger.
Dm @ Sunday, January 16th 2005, 9:36 PM
Suprised you like it, cause a good majority of the car enthusiasts (namely die-hard muscle car fans) think the complete opposite. Personaly I do think it looks nice myself. At least they didn't make it front-wheel drive and put a V-6 in it.

(Edited on January 16, 2005, 9:40 pm)
Huns @ Sunday, January 16th 2005, 10:41 PM
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, January 16th 2005, 11:12 PM
I dont know much about race cars. But I can comments about this drawing and I say it is GREAT!
Xod @ Monday, January 17th 2005, 5:47 AM
I do not know much about cars, but this car looks great. The enviroment in which it belongs is drawn very great too. Awesome shiny car! >:D
Al @ Monday, January 17th 2005, 9:48 AM
@ DM: Well as a gauge for what I like, I think the E Type Jag is the best looking thing ever made in the world. It's fucking ART! I believe ever since the original Ford Mustang the US car industry has produced nothing but horror. Well there are a few exceptions and nothing comperes to the pure awfulness of Pacific Rimmers, but I have no idea why the US car market loves the whole "ugly brick" design so much.
Dm @ Monday, January 17th 2005, 1:45 PM
Well I can't the say that I agree wth your beliefs (I always liked the look of the mid to late 80s fox-bodied Mustangs, especially the insanely fast one my brother had), but I think the reason for the current trend of the 'ugly brick' design is to try and make cars that look distinctly 'American' rather than rely on immitating the styles of its foriegn competitors.

[1507] Artist: Waccoon | Title: Contaminating the universe, one galaxy at a time! | Time: 10h
Pic #8

Waccoon @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 5:38 PM
I swear I am never spending this much time on an Oekaki again. Due to a crash, I had to finish it in Photoshop, but the timer is pretty accurate!

First person to name both games in this crossover gets a stale, moldy fortune cookie drenched in toxic waste. :)

(Uploaded by Waccoon)
Eric @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 6:21 PM
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando and Whiplash! Give me that prize!
Fig @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 6:24 PM
That's fantastic, Wac! It's good to see full-colour stuff from you.
katoryu diethel @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 6:24 PM
This look pretty pretty nice, I like the colors and the idea, but poor bunny ;___;
Eric @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 7:11 PM
Don't worry katoryu, he's immune to pain in the game. Hehehe. And yes, this is fuckin sexy, Wac. The glow on the chains rocks.
Dm @ Friday, January 7th 2005, 11:40 PM
Holy shit this that fucking sick. The time was well worth the effort. BTW didn't these two fellas make an appearence in Mad Dash Racing?
Waccoon @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 12:14 AM
@DM: Probably. Both games were made by Crystal Dynamics.

@Katoryu: The manual says that Redmond has been subjected to so many chemical tests, that he has an impenitrable shell on his fur, making him tough as a brick. That doesn't mean he's immune to pain, though, as he sure can scream when he wants to. :D

@Eric: Good grief. Given how many stores I had to go to to find a copy of Whiplash, I didn't think anyone even knew about this game. So, here's your cookie... *STUFF* me, you don't want to read the fortune. ;)
drme @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 2:15 AM
I work at GameStop, so somehow I almost died laughing! Furthermore, that is truly fantastic waccoon!
Xod @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 9:11 AM
Fantastic drawing, hehe! And very funny! I like the one pixel solid lines and the detailed shading! Hahahaha! >:D
Calli @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 10:53 AM
i would definatly say this was well worth the time put into it. thats wild.
Al @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 11:20 AM
So Wac, now your back on what email sould we use to contact you? I've not heard back from you using the Ninechime one.
Satbast @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 5:55 PM
I've been trying to find a copy of Whiplash too.. Man. Thats a hard game to just go out and buy :/
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 8th 2005, 9:45 PM
Ill print it and put it as label on an empty dvd box...

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