Playing With Baby - by (SparDanger / Sparrowhawk / LyraElric) - [Homepage] 290 Views - 0 Comments
January 21, 2017 · (639 × 800)
$ Commission

Aww... here's Wac and Tawny's little darling, Miles, shortly after his eyes had opened for the first time.

He was born on March 20, 2011, and only just now have I finally gotten a commission with him in it. My, how time flies!

tawny miles raccoon cub sonic

Fun Photos - by (SparDanger / Sparrowhawk / LyraElric) - [Homepage] 236 Views - 0 Comments
September 28, 2012 · (638 × 600)
$ Commission

C'mon, Wac, it's just a bunch of silly photos. What could possibly go wrong?

wac tawny raccoon sonic