Tawny's Halloween Treats - by (Hacker Raccoon / Coon) - [Homepage] 219 Views - 0 Comments
October 27, 2013 · (500 × 500)

“Hey! Stay away from that door!”

A random gift that showed up on the ol' oekaki board for Halloween.

From left to right: Sydney, Pinton Pig, Irrelevant (the ghost), Aoi (owned by Calli), Waccoon, Satbast, and Brentos.

wac tawny raccoon

Mega Star!
Sleepin' In - by (Hacker Raccoon / Coon) - [Homepage] 232 Views - 0 Comments
June 26, 2013 · (966 × 900)

OH... MY... GOD. This is an absolutely gorgous gift that just showed up on my oekaki board one day.

Snuggly stuff is my favorite! I don't ask for it often since many artists either don't do it well or have a hard time drawing it. I love the tightness of their embrace, and their properly chunky bodies. This is about as perfect as it gets for these two.

Seriously one of my favorite guest arts ever, and I didn't even have to ask for it. What a treat! It's a shame the artist doesn't seem to have much more art online, but based on his gallery, I'd say he's a pro and does commercial work. Check him out!

wac tawny raccoon