TailsIck 205 Views - 0 Comments
August 1999 · (635 × 683)

I prefer Manga Tails to “Archie Comics” Tails. In fact, I feel the only Mobian character who gets drawn more inconsistently than Tails is Antoine!

I bought “Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie” on DVD. It was pretty disappointing overall, and absolutely nothing like the SATAM shows (Saturday AM cartoon series), and a lot like Sonic Adventure. As for Tails, his voice is nasal and dorky in the movie, but at least he has a much bigger role than in the SATAM series, and he's drawn correctly, too! If you love Tails, pick up the DVD for cheap.

tails fox sonic

Brown Dwarf
Scratch 153 Views - 0 Comments
1997 · (720 × 513)

I drew this for Samual Lienhard's “FoxFire” Fanzine, a fanzine entirely dedicated to... what else?

This is one of the very few times I've drawn in a semi-realistic style. I still like it, if only I had done better work on the shadows and cloth.


Brown Dwarf
Dog Standards 181 Views - 0 Comments
1997 · (705 × 518)

Another pic for Sam Lienhard's “FoxFire” zine. The original was shaded entirely with Letratone, so it was very difficult to scan and the visual quality is below my usual standards. I can't believe I cut wasted all that plastic dotscreen adhesive.

fox fang

Psycho Face 184 Views - 0 Comments
1996? · (400 × 363)

A slight variation of Waccoon, except this guy is a fox.

Originally, Waccoon was just a character I played (breifly) on FurryMUCK, and was a real psycho. I was new to furry back then, but it didn't take me long to realize why a raccoon spazzing out on shiny rocks and pennies wasn't a good choice for a role-playing character.

fox fang

Culture 166 Views - 0 Comments
1995 · (274 × 400)

This is one of the first works I had widely published, in an old furry fanzine entitled, “Fanzine”, published by JW Kennedy.


Gold Star
Turbulance 262 Views - 0 Comments
1994 · (640 × 512)

A lame attempt at creating a CD cover in Deluxe Paint on my Amiga 1200. “Arctech See” is the band name. Don't ask, I don't really know why I once thought that was a cool name.

Here is the original sketch, TurbulanceTest.jpg

amiga fox raccoon opossum

Brown Dwarf
D-Paint 246 Views - 0 Comments
1994? · (640 × 512)

Ah, Deluxe Paint! Just for fun, I thought I'd throw in my typical drawing environment for 1990-1994. Yes, things did have to be done one pixel at a time with a maximum of 32 colors on the Amiga 1000. The A1200 could go to 256 colors, which barely edged out the PC VGA standard (which can only display 256 colors in low res). How much of my life did I waste doing dithering by hand?

Now that's when computer illustration was actually fun. Today it's just work. :)

amiga tails sonic fox gallaci