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04-28-2005 10:38:25

OK, I finally got Java fixed on my machine (or more accurately, the ATI drivers), and Sun moved everything around in the Java control panel.  Yes, "Control Panel>Java>General>Temporary Internet Files>Delete Files" is what deletes the cache.  Still, that should do it.

The only thing I can recommend is to enable animation support when you draw.  The applet loads animation data directly instead of trying to import it through the browser cache.

04-15-2005 05:56:27

Java Plug-in 1.5.0_02-b09.  yep, I downloaded it from there, detect says I've got the latest.  I'm using XP.

04-14-2005 15:05:45

Control Panel>Java>General>Temporary Internet Files>Delete Files

What version of Java are you using?  Did you install it from ?

On my computer it's Control Panel>Java Plugin>Cache, but I'm using Windows 2000.

Give me a day or two to check out the latest Java.  I updated my ATI Radeon drivers recently and now I get completely blank screens (the whole damn desktop goes black) when I load any Java software.  This isn't the first time I've had to downgrade my friggin' ATI drivers!

04-14-2005 03:29:44

Waccoon wrote:

1) I couldn't re-touch a picture at all.  The original pic doesn't show on the drawing board.

If the wrong image showed up in the canvas, you'll have to flush your cache with Ctrl-F5. The Shi applets import from the browser cache rather than reading the image directly.  This problem exists with both IE and Firefox.  It's the way the applets are programmed.

If you get a blank canvas with Sun Java (the "real" version), you can try clearing the Java cache by going to the system control panel and opening the Java Plugin panel. Then, look for the cache tab and empty it.  Microsoft's Virtual Machine has this problem a lot more than "real" Java, but I'm not aware of a way to get the MSVM to work with retouch.

3) I couldn't add my personal comment on an uploaded picture.

Oops.  This will be fixed in 5.4.7.  Here's a hot-fix for you: functions.php

4) Btw, can the board hotlink to a picture from an external site?  (I tried tag but apparently it doesn't work.)

Sorry, NifttyToo, the BBCode clone used in OekakiPoteto, does not support hotlinking images.

1) I still got a blank canvas (if my steps were correct at XP?:  Control Panel>Java>General>Temporary Internet Files>Delete Files).  I also tried emptying my IE cache w/ cookies, but still didn't work sad.

3) this worked smile. thank you very much...

04-13-2005 14:26:15

1) I couldn't re-touch a picture at all.  The original pic doesn't show on the drawing board.

If the wrong image showed up in the canvas, you'll have to flush your cache with Ctrl-F5. The Shi applets import from the browser cache rather than reading the image directly.  This problem exists with both IE and Firefox.  It's the way the applets are programmed.

If you get a blank canvas with Sun Java (the "real" version), you can try clearing the Java cache by going to the system control panel and opening the Java Plugin panel. Then, look for the cache tab and empty it.  Microsoft's Virtual Machine has this problem a lot more than "real" Java, but I'm not aware of a way to get the MSVM to work with retouch.

3) I couldn't add my personal comment on an uploaded picture.

Oops.  This will be fixed in 5.4.7.  Here's a hot-fix for you: functions.php

4) Btw, can the board hotlink to a picture from an external site?  (I tried [img][/img] tag but apparently it doesn't work.)

Sorry, NifttyToo, the BBCode clone used in OekakiPoteto, does not support hotlinking images.

04-12-2005 20:07:18

I've installed Wax Poteto5.4.6 over Oekaki Poteto 5.1.0a.

I made a tiny (unrelated) modification: erased absolute positioning of Admin's name on notice.php. (so my Admin name would run along with my notice text) :
Original code: <center><font size=1>Please download <a href=>Java VM</a> if you don't see the drawing boards (if all you see is [X] with image placeholder).</font></center> ~ <a onClick="openWindow('profile.php?user=<?=urlencode("kurama_barton")?>, coordinate, coordinate'); return false;" href="#">kurama_barton</a>
Modified code: <center><font size=1>Please download <a href=>Java VM</a> if you don't see the drawing boards (if all you see is [X] with image placeholder). ~ <a onClick="openWindow('profile.php?user=<?=urlencode("kurama_barton")?>'); return false;" href="#">kurama_barton</a></font></center>

This is my site for reference.  Note: Items #4, 8, and 9 were done after I've installed Wax Poteto.

Some problems  (I don't know if this is just normal? I have a gut feeling it isn't...):

1) I couldn't re-touch a picture at all.  The original pic doesn't show on the drawing board.

2) I couldn't re-touch an uploaded picture at all either.  The original pic doesn't show on the drawing board too.  When I tried re-touching, I assumed that the blank white paper was just a mask and the original pic is hidden below, so I added my signature.  But -no- --- the blank white paper -is- a blank white paper and when I uploaded it, it overwrote my uploaded pic [see entry #8]

3) I couldn't add my personal comment on an uploaded picture.  (There is a Comment box there on the Upload page...  I type... but all that comes out on the comment is "Uploaded by kurama_barton".  I noticed though on the screencap of  the Upload area in your NineChime download site that there's no Comment box...).
I still have to go to the Edit Pic area of the Admin to type my personal comment on the uploaded pic.  [see entry #9]

4) Btw, can the board hotlink to a picture from an external site?  (I tried [img][/img] tag but apparently it doesn't work.)

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