Age Statement
Guest Art
#1 - Defragmenter
#2 - Charcoal
#3 - Pumping up sucks!
#4 - Untitled #34
#5 - False security
#6 - Logos on crack
#7 - Nip off the old block
#8 - Perpetual rest machine
#9 - You can have your cake...
#10 - Diversity DVD?
#11 - A very, very fresh look
#12 - Teeny torpedos?
#13 - Mind the humpbacks
#14 - Invisible plot!
#15 - Where's my E-Meter?
#16 - Black, white, and in-between
#17 - AF on FA
#18 - Common scents
#19 - Wok like a man
#20 - In a different tongue
#21 - Weird Things Follow
#22 - A blight in the attick
#23 - Sal-eye-va poisoning
#24 - Should've asked a cookie
#25 - It's called a flip-flop
#26 - Revenge is best served cubed
#27 - Happy BAAAAWday!
#28 - Time to deal the real
#29 - A good flirt impression
#30 - A mock and a hard place
#31 - Hurts more than the truth?
#32 - ...and that's no con
#33 - Ten-year itch
#34 - Enlightenment entanglement
#35 - Black whole
#36 - Free tawny
#37 - Better never than late?
#38 - Anecdote antidote
#39 - One problem's after another
#40 - Nagging doubts
#41 - Empty nest
#42 - Willpower vs wishful thinking
#43 - Lines of cold
#45 - Off-humor is off limits?
#46 - Dire standards
#47 - Blacking Out
#48 - No fortune for you!
#49 - Defying inspiration
#50 - Too close to call?
#51 - Backdoor ardor
#52 - iFlirt
#53 - Imaginary privacy
#54 - Buddies for life?
#55 - Gears adore
#56 - Profession progression
#57 - Hiccup line
#58 - Confessions and consessions
#59 - Close call
#60 - A real bounce-back
#61 - A pinch of prudence
#62 - Feeling cheated
#63 - Fortune nookie
#64 - Lay-down let-down
#65 - Fooling around -- no kidding
#66 - Breakdown tear down
#67 - Reflection of character
#68 - Coming to grips
#69 - Tits all relative
#70 - Beautiful dame in the neighborhood
#71 - Second only to chocolate
#72 - Got your butter covered
#73 - Smeksy
#74 - The vain game
#75 - Room for improvement
#76 - Frankly, my dear...
#77 - Choking on the chicken
#78 - A fork in the path
#79 - Is three hundred enough?
#80 - Willy save face?
#81 - Sofa... so good
#82 - Personal appearance
#83 - The pen is mightier
#84 - Quipp while you're ahead
#85 - Takes a licking, keeps on...
#86 - A moment of respiration
#87 - Nit and tuck
#88 - Dill Downer
#89 - Buzz bomb
#90 - Wipe away those fears
#91 - Rude a-baconings
#92 - Murphy's maw
#93 - Short-ordered cook
#94 - Red letter day
#95 - Seasonal allegory
#96 - Yes... the “special” bus
#97 - Tao tipping
#98 - Conversation of energy
#99 - Morality vs mortality
#100 - Punchline or panty line?
#101 - Lingering over lingerie
#102 - Last food
#103 - Short order
#104 - Short order
#105 - Carried away
#106 - A long time coming
#107 - Junk in the trunk
#108 - Seeing the forrest for the tease
#109 - To reach his own
#110 - Show me how you feel
#111 - Calling his blush
#112 - Haughty or hottie?
#113 - Bittersweet nothings
#114 - Heart in your hands
#115 - Bold rush
#116 - Blunt point
#117 - Inconvenient truth
#118 - Artist's block
#119 - Secret passage
#120 - Extra - She likes it on top
#121 - Extra - Do the dad
#122 - Extra - Perfect eclair
#123 - Tu Quoque
#124 - Sleeping on it
#125 - Real relief
#126 - No pair to spare
#127 - The sick sense
#128 - Old lines
#129 - Ergo, ego...
#130 - Dark Enlightenment
#131 - Locked, cocked, and literal
#132 - Turning in, turning on
#133 - Letting go... the easy way
#134 - A shade of innocence
#135 - Aftermath is hard!
#136 - A new story is unveiled
#137 - What honeymoon?
#138 - Drop me a call
#139 - Extra - Visit from the maleman
#140 - Extra - Wac's refund
#141 - Awakenings
#142 - Moderately modest
#143 - All part of the plan
#144 - Reality's a bitch
#145 - Lay me down to sleep
#146 - Life is but a lucid dream
#147 - O, Holey Fright
#148 - Dark Side of the Full Moon
#149 - Complete
#150 - Computus Interruptus
#151 - Next-day Delivery
#152 - Pride 'Till You Puke
#153 - Daddy Issues
Turning on? No problem. Shutting off? Crash city.
The funny thing is, Microsoft released a number of “Shutdown Suppliments” to fix this, but even NT-based versions of Windows still have this problem.