Tawny 399 Views - 0 Comments
2001 · (460 × 600)

This is not the first drawing of Tawny I've made (it's probably the 3rd or 4th), but it is the first time I've drawn her in a non-cubbi style. Since Tawny is a figment of my imagination, she can take several forms, depending on the setting.

Her debut in The Wacintosh Files is the second time I've drawn Tawny. I really don't know when was the first time I drew her, but it was shortly after I got out of college in 2001. These days, I date everything that I draw.

I mean, write a date on it. Not, you know...

tawny raccoon undies

SSSsst 168 Views - 0 Comments
1996? · (300 × 463)

Prelude to a very dumb comic with rhymes in it.
