In the Right Mood 582 Views - 0 Comments
September 19, 2014 · (892 × 1000)

My first, proper reference of Chris and Amy in their formal attire, based on a previous picture.

Amy continues to get shorter (on her toes, no less), and Chris continues to get moodier... in the right way, of course! Marrying Amy has done wonders for his outlook on life.

chris amanda dingo fox ref size suit

Leslie Model Sheet 340 Views - 0 Comments
March 13, 2011 · (855 × 700)

Now here's a character I haven't drawn in a long time. She was created for a one-shot appearance in Backing Out, but she's since grown on me and I might draw her a bit more often.

leslie cat ref

Rebecca Model Sheet 388 Views - 0 Comments
March 13, 2011 · (535 × 800)

Finally, I'm updating my character references a bit. Most likely these will end up going into a separate gallery later.

rebecca dingo ref

Super Star!
Waccoon Ref Sheet (clean) 428 Views - 0 Comments
September 26, 2010 · (1363 × 600)

The first time I drew Wac in his pupil-less style was as a promotional ad for Backing Out, which also featured one of those newfangled iMacs. I just started with a circle using Adobe Illustrator on a college computer, and built up his head with primary shapes. So, it's only taken 12 years for me to make a character reference.

I'm happy with how it turned out, though. His design hasn't changed much over the years, but boy is it more refined. Wac's cheeks used to just be fuzzy blobs, and he was only 3 heads tall.

For commission work, I have a hidden folder on my server with more references. This is simply the “primary” reference, now.

wac raccoon ref banjo undies

Super Star!
Tawny Ref Sheet (clean) 359 Views - 0 Comments
September 25, 2010 · (1382 × 700)

Finally, after 10 years, I've made a proper reference for Tawny. I don't really know when was the first time I drew her, as I've checked all my records and can't find anything but more recent stuff (meaning, about a couple years after I created her). Tawny's design had already gone thorough a few modifications before her debut in The Wacintosh Files.

I should probably draw another pose to show off her ponytail. Her purple collar isn't that important since she no longer wears it. She does occasionally force Wac to wear it, though. ;)

For commission work, I have a hidden folder on my server with more references. This is simply the “primary” reference, now.

tawny raccoon ref

Tower of Tawny Bikini 359 Views - 0 Comments
May 7, 2007 · (500 × 843)

A bikini version of the Tower of Tawny picture, retouched in 2010 as a reference sheet. The other version is only visible in the adult gallery.

This was supposed to be an oekaki for the weekly theme on DTP, but the sketches I did on paper turned out pretty well, so I scanned it and inked it with my tablet. Now you get to see it in anti-aliased glory.

At the time I was still working on refining the style, so I tried a few different poses. These three were the best of the bunch.

And, yes, she has more of the “dork” smile than the “come hither” smile. I rarely find pin-ups interesting, so if I'm going to do them, I'd rather they be silly and fun.

tawny raccoon undies ref