Brown Dwarf
Delphis 239 Views - 0 Comments
November 1999 · (760 × 470)

Lo-size version: Delphis_Lo.png (18K)

It's Delphis! Someone you wouldn't know! Actually, he's a very cool pen pal of mine, and for some weird (ahhhh...) reason, I like his art, too. It's also a bit of a landmark for me, since this is the first dolphin I've ever drawn. Yes, that IS a dolphin. Trust me! I still think he looks like a Gelbwurst.

Go visit his art page, and you too can be weird! Delphis' Cove. He also drew a strange pic of me in the shower! If only I was really that thin. I'd really like to know how he knows what color shampoo I use.

Man, did this take a long time to finish. Really. My computer decided to do a hard reset while in the middle of saving the original version, so the file got corrupted I had to do it over again from scratch. So much for saving every five minutes! Luckily, it came out better the second time around.

delphis dolphin gift