Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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I'm trying to figure out how to make the templates kind of 'floaty'?
Where the comments/pics float ontop of the bg?
Does anyone know how to do that?
Also, for my phpfreechat that I have installed, there is a demo that kinda shows how to add the who's online to the index page of your site, but when I try, it just breaks/stretches the header D:
That is the script from: demo31_show_who_is_online-whoisonline. Could someone explain how to add that to the oekaki header?
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../src/pfcinfo.class.php"; $info = new pfcInfo( md5("Whois online demo") ); // NULL is used to get all the connected users, but you can specify // a channel name to get only the connected user on a specific channel $users = $info->getOnlineNick(NULL); echo "<h1>A demo which explains how to get the connected users list</h1>"; echo '<div style="margin: auto; width: 70%; border: 1px solid red; background-color: #FDD; padding: 1em;">'; $info = ""; $nb_users = count($users); if ($nb_users <= 1) $info = "<strong>%d</strong> user is connected to the server !"; else $info = "<strong>%d</strong> users are connected to the server !"; echo "<p>".sprintf($info, $nb_users)."</p>"; echo "<p>Here is the online nicknames list of <a href='./demo31_show_who_is_online-chat.php'>this chat</a>:</p>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach($users as $u) { echo "<li>".$u."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "</div>"; ?> <?php // print the current file echo "<h2>The source code</h2>"; $filename = __FILE__; echo "<p><code>".$filename."</code></p>"; echo "<pre style=\"margin: 0 50px 0 50px; padding: 10px; background-color: #DDD;\">"; $content = file_get_contents($filename); highlight_string($content); echo "</pre>";
I presume by "floaty", you want the content to scroll with a locked background. You can do that with the "background-attachment" property in your template, in the "body" section:
body { ... background-attachment: fixed; }
As for the online list, that depends how you want the information to be displayed. If you want a list of names, you'll need to append each name to a string and print the string in the appropriate section in the header. I wouldn't recommend that, because the header can only be so tall. But, let me know what content you want to put in there. The demo you showed will make a vertical list. What you really want is a horizontal list.
If you just want to get the number of people in the chat room, this is the relevant code:
// Get chat count require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../src/pfcinfo.class.php"; $info = new pfcInfo( md5("Whois online demo") ); $users = $info->getOnlineNick(NULL); $info = ""; $nb_users = count($users);
"$nb_users" holds the number of people in the chat room. How this would be used depends on how your chat room works. I don't see a chat on the oekaki at the moment, so I don't know how everything should work.
Awesome, thank you! That is what I meant ^^;.
Yes, I just wanted the number, we don't really need to see who is online, rather just someone is online.
Odd, I have a chat Though, like the 'kaki chat, you have to be logged in to see it, but here is a direct link: http://moonshineoekaki.net/chat
Hmm...Was I supposed to modify that, or was it not done? It broke the header O.O...
OK, I thinik this is a drop-in replacement for the "header.php" file (around line 140). You may have to check the require_once() path so the "pfcinfo.class.php" file is included properly.
As always, make a copy of your header file just to be sure
SEARCH FOR: if (!empty ($OekakiU)) { // Logged in if ($cfg['use_chat'] == 'yes') { $left_menu[] = '<a href="#" onclick="openWindow(\'chatbox.php\', 700, 500); return false;">'.$langop_word_chat.'</a> ('.$chatonline.')'; } REPLACE WITH: if (!empty ($OekakiU)) { // CUSTOM: chat { // Get chat count require_once("chat/src/pfcinfo.class.php"); $chat_info = new pfcInfo( md5("Whois online demo")); $chat_users = $chat_info->getOnlineNick(NULL); unset($chat_info); $chatonline = count($chat_users); $left_menu[] = '<a href="chat/" target="_blank">'.$langop_word_chat.'</a> ('.$chatonline.')'; }
Thank you for helping again!
Everything works, no parse errors, but there is no number D:
Waccoon wrote:
Yeah... I'm not familiar with that chat system, so how it gets the chat count is kinda fuzzy.
:glomp: Thank you!! I used the information you gave me, and showed it to the phpchat people, and they were able to make it work!! All I needed to do was set a serverid.
It's not terribly difficult to do. As always, I just have to get off my butt and fix it. I admit it's been a few months since I've done any coding. At the earliest, though, it will have to wait until the weekend.
I have a board filled with immature children. sad Everytime I blink they do something else >_>
Making people admins is never fun. But, yes, it's pretty trivial to lock people out of changing the big things, like the banner and notice.