Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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Yay, it looks just like a Waxie profile now :'D
Thanks ^_^
Okay, I fixed this. The old flags have been replaced by ranks: profile.php (v1.4.2)
I've been missing that from the Waxie boards, I've always wished they showed up on Wac's
I added this to the language file:
$langop_type_admin = "Administrator";
$langop_word_owner = "Owner";
//Super Admin
$langop_type_sadmin = "Super Administrator";
But it didn't work
In the memberslist the 'O' flag isn't there... so it won't register it D:
No, in the profile.php file...
<td class="pinfoask" valign="top">
<td class="pinfoenter" valign="top">
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'O')) {
echo $langop_word_owner.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'S')) {
echo $langop_type_sadmin.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'A')) {
echo $langop_type_admin.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'D')) {
echo $langop_type_daccess.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'M')) {
echo $langop_type_aaccess.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'U')) {
echo $langop_type_uaccess.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'I')) {
echo $langop_type_immunity.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'X')) {
echo $langop_type_adultview.'<br />';
if (strstr($row['usrflags'], 'G')) {
echo $langop_type_guser;
It's definitely in there.
I was saying that it never has shown up on my boards or any Wac boards, but it should be.
I believe its not supposed to show up on there xD On every single wacintaki oekaki I ihave been on it doesn't show up So nothing appears to be wrong
I must be so annoying by now. I do love you though Waccoon ;v;
I was looking at the profiles page and it looks like the flags for admin or owner should be appearing under Special when someone views a member's profile, but it hasn't been working (at least for me) in any Wac versions. It's not anything drastically important, but I also can't figure out how to put something by an Admin's name at all times so people know who is and isn't an admin, and members can't even look at their profiles to check for it either.
By the way, the new log is extremely handy. I already had an incident that the log cleared up. <3