Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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lol, thanks XD I'm not the brightest creature out there <3333
Rage wrote:
Thank you
Do I find that script in functions? I can't seem to be able to... T.T
Second part can be found in index.php
Thank you
Do I find that script in functions? I can't seem to be able to... T.T
In the functions file, the only line you have to change is this:
// Archive picture if ($mode == 'archive') { $picid = w_gpc('picid', 'i'); if ($flags['admin']) { CHANGE TO // Archive picture if ($mode == 'archive') { $picid = w_gpc('picid', 'i'); if ($flags['sadmin']) {
The archive link on each picture is tricky, because the code is messy, and the admin features are kinda grouped together.
Take this:
// Admin-only options if ($flags['admin']) { // Lock if ($outerrow['threadlock'] != 0) { ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=unlock&picno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID']?><?=$pic_redirect?>"><?=$langop_word_unlock?></a>] <? } else { ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=lock&picno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID']?><?=$pic_redirect?>"><?=$langop_word_lock?></a>] <? } // Archive ?> [<a href="functions.php?picid=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID'];?>&mode=archive<?=$pic_redirect?>"><? if ($outerrow['archive'] == '0') { echo $langop_word_archive; } else { echo $langop_word_unarchive; } ?></a>] <? // Bump ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=bump&resno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID'];?>"><?=$langop_word_bump?></a>] <? }
...and replace it with this:
// Admin-only options if ($flags['admin']) { // Lock if ($outerrow['threadlock'] != 0) { ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=unlock&picno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID']?><?=$pic_redirect?>"><?=$langop_word_unlock?></a>] <? } else { ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=lock&picno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID']?><?=$pic_redirect?>"><?=$langop_word_lock?></a>] <? } } if ($flags['sadmin']) { // Archive ?> [<a href="functions.php?picid=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID'];?>&mode=archive<?=$pic_redirect?>"><? if ($outerrow['archive'] == '0') { echo $langop_word_archive; } else { echo $langop_word_unarchive; } ?></a>] <? } if ($flags['admin']) { // Bump ?> [<a href="functions.php?mode=bump&resno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID'];?>"><?=$langop_word_bump?></a>] <? }
You can then change the admin test to "admin", "sadmin", or "owner".
I tried editing functions.php to where only the owner and a super administrator could archive pictures; I was rewarded with a parse error.
Is there anyway you could help me with that? I edited the admin bar, taking away most of their abilities Rage doesn't like to share So, I figured this would be just as simple. T.T But it wasn't. >_>
Oh, and I figured out how to change peoples usernames, so ignore that part in that e-mail. <333