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Topic review (newest first)

07-12-2008 22:01:41



The next page is waaaaaay up at the top instead of after the admin thing haha

Sorry. Ignore me.

07-12-2008 17:18:41

Under what search conditions?

I have 1762 members on my oekaki, and the page modulo works fine regardless of my search options and "per page" setting.  I've also cut the registrations on my test board down to 11 members and set the "per page" to 10, and I get two pages, with one member on the second page.

07-12-2008 16:30:10

There seems to be a problem with the sort (happened before your recent patch as well, but forgot to mention it) that multiple pages aren't displayed if there is > 25...50...100 people (all numbers work this way)

So if i have 101 members, one member would never ever show up in my searches if I did a blank search (search all members)

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