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Topic review (newest first)

03-25-2007 04:08:58

If anyone else sees this issue, some servers want the "language" folder to be writable for it to be, um, readable.

So, if the language files are in the right place, but there's lots of missing text in the installer, try CHMODing the language folder to something less restrictive, like 775.

03-23-2007 12:00:30

Sorry, nevermind! I figured out the problem. (:

03-22-2007 10:25:27

I'm trying to install Wacintaki Potato 1.3.6, but every time I try to install, it gives me this error message:
I have no idea what this means, since I suck at ftp and all of this and this is really the farthest I've ever gotten.
I also don't know what to type into the fields, since they aren't labeled... could somebody please tell me what to do? :[

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