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01-29-2007 02:13:54

Mm I meant the applet that comes with Poteto. I have no problem running the OekakiBBS board but i've outgrown it.
Well there wasn't really any error, when I ran the updater it just made me click on [please run the] 'updater' and redo the updating press again.. and again.. and again.. .

So uh im guessing it messes with the Db and such yeah?
I kind of figured and assume that the files were updated and it didn't error, i could just go ahead and sneak around the updater (after updating like fifty bajillion times... well to be honest it was less than 10 times..) and just reinstall the wac. board, delete the install.php & update.php(didn't touch them) and ran index.php. It works fine now.

I hope i didn't damage any of the board by doing that.  B)
Ah and is your board Open-Source? Just wanted to ask before I decide to tweak it.

01-26-2007 02:18:52

By OekakiBBS, are you talking about the applet that comes with OekakiPoteto, or the BBS system (with the sucky page numbers)?  There were two different products with the same name, and I have different updaters for each.

Was any information returned by the updater when it failed?  Most operations are supposed to print something if a problem occurs, and it appears in bold text, such as
"STOP:  Message here".

Whatever you do, don't panic and delete your board.  If something went wrong, chances are it can be fixed easily.  If there's no real error information available, upload the update script again, and give me a link to the board through email.  I'd have to know exactly where the updater stops, even if it doesn't actually return an error message.

01-25-2007 16:57:36

So uh, I started hating oekakiBBS for the fact that it has retouch blah's and java poo's, and thus decided, hey let's update to Wacintaki!

Unfortunately, I [believe that I] updated correctly yet, when it prompts me that it's going to delete update.php & install.php , i click and it says please run updater.  An Endless cycle of updating perhaps? sad

I do as it says on the readme.html -- delete the files manually, and refresh the browser at
index.php, but it takes me back to making me click run the updater all over again.

I checked the CHMOD's on the files, and I believe that they were 644 (both).

Update failed, so -- why not! I loaded up the installer instead, and the problem with the updater thing just came back up.

sad I really don't like java.

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