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Topic review (newest first)

09-04-2006 05:49:09

Template support is one of the major drawbacks of Wacintaki.  There's no template editor available, so you'll have to edit an existing template in a text editor.  You need to know CSS to modify templates.

There are two ways to do this:

1) Download the PHP version of a template, and modify it.  Every time you upload a modified PHP template, you will have to delete the respective CSS version.

2) Download and modify the CSS version of the template after the board builds one.  Keep a backup of your modified version, in case the board overwrites it for some reason.

Try out some of the other templates to see which one would make a good starting point.  It's recommended that you do this with Edit Profile, rather than the Control Panel.

09-04-2006 05:07:09

I cant find where to make a new template ^^;;

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