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07-23-2006 18:46:12

Yeah I saw that in functions but I didn't think I was allowed to change it since the oekakis (c) whoever and the link has to be there hmm

07-23-2006 06:50:50

It's difficult to edit the messages, since they are all translated into different languages, and the language variables are all jumbled.

Open english.php in a text editor, and search for "Automated Registration Message" and "Verification Message".  The stuff located in both those sections is what is printed in outgoing e-mails.

Some stuff, like the "Get your own OekakiPoteto" cannot be edited unless you change the "functions.php" file, which isn't recommended.

07-22-2006 16:32:44

hello! i was know the e-mail you recieve upon being accepted to an oekaki? is there a way to change what it says? if its possible, i can't seem to figure out how.

anyway, i apologize if this has already been asked. i looked around and i didn't see anything about this...

thanks! big_smile

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