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Topic review (newest first)

05-24-2006 04:59:16

Every time a new version of ShiPainter comes out, the animation support gets better, but there are still issues where animations can get corrupted after several upates.  Try asking your members to draw without animations and see if that helps.  Note that if they cannot retouch pictures at all without animations, they are probably using Microsoft's version of Java (Microsoft Virtual Machine), which is obsolete.  They should update to Sun Java, which can be downloaded from

05-23-2006 19:37:31

One of the members on my own Oekaki is also having problems with the Shi Painter retouch because everytime she goes to retouch her animations, the entire Java applet destroys her oekaki. It's twice now. She can't take screenshots either for some reason.

It's weird...

05-23-2006 11:09:33

I asked over at for help setting my board up and managed to get it running with the help of Waccoon but there still seems to be some problems.

My friend "KatMinamoto" at the board ( is saying that she can't retouch more than 3 or 4 times as it stops registering her additions to the picture (I guess she means that, when she retouches and submits, the picture/animation doesn't show what she did during the retouch) - I tested myself and successfully managed to retouch a picture even 5 or 6 times without any problems, do you think it's just her Java platform is outdated or something and I should advise her making sure she has the most recent?

Thanks for any help. smile

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