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04-05-2006 06:19:22

OK, it should be ready to go.  I'll let you know what I did via e-mail.

04-04-2006 05:59:31

Just replying to let you know I got the e-mail.  I'll take a look at it tomorrow as I'm fixing someone's computer right now.

04-03-2006 09:22:05

It doesn't show any tables for me in the MySQL database. :/ I was however able to put the banner there though it still shows those very same codes on the page. If it only was html I maybe had an idea how everything works but I have no experience working with php, so I'm pretty clueless as to how to deal with these things.

So if you'd be so wonderful and set it up for me, I have no idea how I would pay back your kindness (unless you accept my humble artistic services in the form of giftart) though. I'll send you the logins for my host right away. <3

04-02-2006 14:21:43

If you're getting invalid mysql result errors, the database wasn't set up properly during installation (no information is there).  If you have access to a database tool, like phpMyAdmin, see if there's any tables in the database (such as "op_oekaki").  You will probably have to empty the database and re-install the board.  To do that, copy the installer back to the server, and underneath the database section, there will be an option to empty the database (empty them both).  Then, you may run the installer again.

If problems persist, I can set it up for you with your server login.

For the banner, you have to use valid HTML.  To add the image to the banner, use this code:


<img src="random_banner.jpg" alt="Banner" />
04-02-2006 08:27:43

After hours of struggle I finally got my oekaki "public", but now it's showing some code on the page and as I'm a total noob to any kind of coding I have no idea how to fix it. Besides that, when I tried registering on my board (I'm not sure if I need to do that though, since I'm the board owner?) it gave me another white page with some code on it.

The url to my oekaki is .

Any tips regarding to what piece of the code should I change to change the colors and get a banner up there would be most appreciated. <3

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