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02-09-2010 15:18:47

All right - I re-uploaded all the images, .js and .jar files and everything seems to be fine, so far. I used my host's cPanel and not an FTP and didn't change any of the permissions, so I'm a little sceptical since the last time I installed an oekaki it was OekakiPoteto and I remember having to change permissions on like every other file that was in there, but yeah.. Everything seems to be fine - thanks!

02-08-2010 11:06:00

Weren't those all files created by the install thing?

02-07-2010 21:02:15

When I took a look at the FAQ (link) all the link buttons are corrupt.  So is the preview image normally used for the Draw screen.  Chances are, the Java files did not upload properly and you'll have to try again.  In fact, you'll probably have to re-upload all the images and JAR files.

If you're having consistent trouble uploading files to the server, you may have to try another FTP client.

[Edit: You don't have to re-install the board -- just re-upload all the non-text files.]

02-07-2010 01:33:13

I'm trying to set up an oekaki on the website I'm using for my portfolio to give my friends and people something fun to do, but I've run into a major problem.. The canvases - the whole point of the oekaki - aren't loading. I figured it might just be my Mac, so I tried to update my Java software, but there were no updates. I checked different browsers (Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari,) and it didn't work on them either. I then figured it was just a Mac thing altogether, so I tried on my boyfriend's PC, and on different browsers on there, too.. Same thing consistently.

Here's a screenshot of what the error looks - same on all browsers/OSs.

And here's a link to my oekaki.

(P.S.: I like the 'Humanity Test.')

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