Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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Umm, I used mysql_fetch_array 'cause I'm fetching more than one row,
come to think of it, I use that all the time xD
I'm not sure of it's difference with fetch_row and fetch_assoc really,
but I think I read an article saying fetch_array is faster(?) and kinda like a combination of both.
Well just in case, if the script doesn't work, people can change mysql_fetch_array to mysql_fetch_row.
One nit: you should use mysql_fetch_row() instead of mysql_fetch_array().
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT `get`, `some`, `names` FROM `op_table` ORDER BY `ID` DESC"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo ($row['names']); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo ($row[3]); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ($row['names']); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); echo ($row[3]);
Using mysql_fetch_array() will work if your server has notices disabled, but fetching a row is preferred.
Great idea! I might consider trying out this script on my oekaki board very soon to see if it works.
Okay first, since this is my first post after registering... intro xD
I'm Silverpaws006/Char of URKaki.
uhh, I'm not really that good with PHP...
I made this script for our oekaki and just thought others might like it too :3
This displays the people with birthdays for the month
you can paste it on the notice:
P.S. I'm thinking up of more scripts when I have free time, so uhh,
to the admin: asking permission if I could post more soon?
<?php //=========================================================================== // BIRTHDAYS START // by Silverpaws006/Char of http://www.auropaws.com/ //=========================================================================== ?> <div style="padding:5px;width:400px;border:2px solid #ff6060;background:#ffffcc;color:#000000;"> <b>:: Birthdays this month ::</b> <br/><br/> <div style="text-align:left;"> <?php $monthnow = date("m",time()); $query_dates = mysql_query("SELECT usrname, age FROM op_oekaki ORDER BY age ASC"); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($query_dates)) { $date = $array[1]; $get_month = substr($date,5,2); if($monthnow == $get_month) { $to_timestamp = strtotime($date); $to_date = date("M j",$to_timestamp); $linkname = "<a onclick=\"openWindow('profile.php?user=$array[0]', 400, 600); return false\" href=\"profile.php?user=$array[0]\" style='color:#000000;'>$array[0]</a> "; echo ($to_date . " - " . $linkname . "<br/>"); } if(!$array) { echo("No birthdays this month."); } } ?> </div> </div> <?php //=========================================================================== // BIRTHDAYS END //=========================================================================== ?>