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05-08-2009 02:33:09

Yeah, on some servers you'll have to create them yourself due to oddball security policies, but under normal circumstances, the files are generated automatically as they are needed.

05-07-2009 20:42:16

<xD thanks a lot, i feel so stupid...

Rage Inflictor
05-07-2009 12:36:13

Those files are created by use, not so much installed.
Example: Editing your banner/notice will create the banner.php file. smile

05-07-2009 09:11:04

Hello, I've tried installing the oekaki to my website and it's all going well except for the fact that my resource file only has 4 files in it:

I've changed the pr0n.png image to something to suit my website more, but the images were gone before I changed it so I doubt that's anything important.

I'm following the Read me to the letter and I've changed the CHMOD for the folders, but not for the following files simply because I can't find them in the package at all! I've looked and redownloaded the install file, which is the latest one, and they aren't included:


This is either me being a super moron or they genuinely aren't in the .zip but I've seached high and low for the files, I've not changed the file names in the slightest, like I said to the letter

this is version 1.4.2

There also wasn't a 'pictures' folder, which I changed and created myself, does that contain anything else that's nessesary for the installation?

Thanks a lot!

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