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01-06-2009 07:26:35

Here is a place to start.

Since I pay for my hosting, I know little about free hosting that will work properly (security policies are really a pain at times).  You'll have to ask around.

01-05-2009 15:25:11

u.u... well, thank you... do you know of a webhost where I can install it, then?

Thanks again for replying

01-04-2009 23:25:25

Your server is blocking all uploads from unknown client types.  In other words, anything other than a web browser, such as Java.  This is part of their security policy and can't be fixed without the help of a system administrator.

ChibiPaint actually returns an error message rather than forwarding to the comment screen, and the error I received told me that the site is hosted by  I know for a fact that the oekaki will not run on their servers due to their file upload policies.

If you paid for hosting, contact a sysadmin and let them know you need the ability to upload data to the server via a Java applet, both as raw POST and as multipart-encoded.  If this is a free hosting account, there's probably nothing you can do.

01-03-2009 23:50:56

Yeah, I'm having that lovely problem xD... I don't think it's a server problem, since I have a forum and can upload things normally there...

I can't upload only from the oekaki, I can do it normally via "upload", so... any ideas?

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