Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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Sorry, I've been out of town T_T
My friend found out what I was doing wrong, it works now <3 Thank you
I didn't see an "infotable" in the code you posted on Dec 21st, and with the exception of <?php>, it parsed correctly. Please post the code with the infotable already in place, and I'll be able to tell you where the parsing error is.
Thank you, but I got the same error D:
<div class="infotable">..........</div>
<?php> // Birthday announcement
replace with:
<?php // Birthday announcement
PHP tags are actually XML declaration elements of the form:
<?language All Kinds Of Stuff Here ?>
...so you have to make sure the <?php is not accidentally closed. The entire PHP code behaves like a single element, rather than having separate open and close elements, such as <php>Stuff</php>. That's why the question marks are there.
Oh, have a small issue. I can't seem to get an infotable to work on my oekaki D: I get: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/moonshin/public_html/resource/notice.php on line 43
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">p {align=justify} </STYLE> <center> <table width="760" height="540" background="http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc269/Mikeuh/oekaki/bannerific2.png" border="0"> <tr><td height="357" colspan="1"></td></tr><tr> <td width="40"></td><td valign="top"><p align="left"> <div style="width: 200; height: ; overflow: auto; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;"> </i> <div style="font-size: 11px; font-family: arial; border: px solid; background-color: ######; color: ######; width:180px; height: 150px; overflow: auto;"> <font color="black" face=verdana font size=1px> <center><b>Lucian's Links!</b> <blink>♥</blink></center><br> + <a href="http://moonshineoekaki.net/scribble"target="_blank">Scribble Board</a><br><br> + <a href="http://moonshineoekaki.proboards.com/index.cgi"target="_blank">Forum</a><br><br> + <a href="http://moonshineoekaki.net/showrules.php"target="_blank">Rules!</a> & <a href="http://moonshineoekaki.net/faq.php"target="_blank">FAQ</a><br><br> + <b><u>Tutorials:</u></b> <a href="http://failedjuliet.deviantart.com/art/Yet-another-Shi-Painter-Tut-104164422"target="_blank">ShiPainter Tutorial by Karen,</a> <a href="http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/"target="_blank">Anatomy,</a> & <a href="http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/~japanime/tutorial/tutorial.html"target="_blank">Manga</a> <br><br><marquee><b>Happy Holidays!</b></marquee> <td width="1"></td><td valign="top"><p align="left"> <div style="width: ; height:100 ; overflow: auto; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;"> </i><font face=verdana font size=1px><center> </font></div><center> <div style="font-size: 11px; font-family: arial; border: px solid; background-color: ######; color: ######; width:350px; height: 150px; overflow: auto;"> <font color="black" face=verdana font size=1px><b><br>December's Theme: Pssh. Themes are for noobs.</b><br><br> <b>December's Contest:</b> ....<br> ______________________________________________<br><br> + <b>Forum:</b> We now have a forum!! Refer to Lucian's links <blink>♥</blink><br><br> </div></center><br> </td><td width="2"></td></tr> </table> <?php> // Birthday announcement $birthday_names = array(); $todaymonth = date ("m"); $todayday = date ("d"); $my_result = mysql_query ("SELECT usrname, age FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekaki ORDER BY usrname"); if ($my_result && mysql_num_rows($my_result) > 0) { while ($my_row = mysql_fetch_array($my_result)) { $my_age = $my_row['age']; if (strpos($my_age, '-') !== FALSE && strpos($my_age, '?') === FALSE) { list ($byear, $bmonth, $bday) = explode ('-', $my_age); $my_bday_pass = FALSE; if ($todaymonth == '2' && $todayday == '29') { // Leap year birthday? if ($bmonth == $todaymonth) { if ($bday == '28' || $bday == '29') { $my_bday_pass = TRUE; } } } elseif (($bday == $todayday) && ($bmonth == $todaymonth)) { $my_bday_pass = TRUE; } if ($my_bday_pass == TRUE) { $un = trim($my_row['usrname']); $un_url = urlencode($un); $un_html = w_html_chars($un); $un_years = get_age($my_age); $birthday_names[] = "<a href=\"profile.php?user={$un_url}\">{$un_html} ({$un_years})</a>"; } } } } if (count ($birthday_names) > 0) { echo ('<p>'); echo ("Birthday greetings to: " . make_list($birthday_names, ', ')); echo ('</p>'); } ?> </div>
That's the complete coding from my notice area. I want to add an infotable for the b-day announcement. It doesn't show up right with the default template.
Cool 8D A different layout would be nice, rather than in between the names/comments. I used <sub> tags to make it blend less with comments
I'll be adding this feature to Wacintaki 1.4.2, and with improved layout. To save space, it will only show the time for the current day, though.
Awesome, thank you <333
I use the regular chat for the scribble board.
Is this is for the chat room?
It will take some extra coding to do this, because we'll have to get a UNIX timestamp from each comment. Here is a drop-in replacement for the Wacintaki chat system (from line 163):
echo ' #'.$my_link; } else { $my_time = strtotime ($row['posttime']); ?> *<a onclick="openWindow('profile.php?user=<?=urlencode ($row['usrname']);?>', 400, 600); return false;" href="#"><?=w_html_chars($row['usrname']);?></a>(<?=date($datef['chat'], $my_time);?>)<? }
I need help adding Timestamps to my Scribble Board chat: http://moonshineoekaki.net/scribble/
I've added them, but I did it wrong :'D, instead of telling the time of post, it tells the time of day O_O 'S not what I was going for
// CUSTOM: PRINT DATE { $chat_date_format = ' H:i'; echo (date ($chat_date_format)); }
^ That's what I placed. T_T