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11-19-2008 07:57:35

It was in the profiles and in the memberlist, you could search the memberlist for ranks and everything.

11-19-2008 03:52:15

They probably did that based on how many pictures were posted.

Do you know if they did that on the index page, or on other pages like the memberlist and profile viewer?  Doing it on the index page for each comment isn't terribly practical, but it's easy on other pages.  In the memberlist, for example, you just get the value of $row['piccount'].

Rage Inflictor
11-18-2008 12:53:55

Way back in the day, I was a super admin at an oekaki, that had a ranking system. They ranked the members with medieval titles like: Knight, noble, chambermaid, etc.... I was wondering how to do that for my oekaki? big_smile

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