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Topic review (newest first)

11-19-2008 03:54:40

'Fraid not. The database would have to be changed to using strings rather than numbers and a lot of code would have to be changed.

The avatars have actual filenames, but pictures do not.

11-18-2008 12:52:24

so there's no possibility at all to do this? ;_;
what a pity... would've been so cool to be able to view them late with a date...

11-16-2008 02:46:55

No, no, no... this won't work.  Wacintaki saves all pictures by number, not by filename.

11-15-2008 16:10:17


I'm trying to change the names of my saved pictures to "date of post"+"picture ID". For example, if I made a picture today (15th Nov, 2008) and it's the 25th pic I drew it should look like "2008-11-15-25.png".

Unfortunately I'm by no means a pro with PHP sad
All I could find out until now was, that i could change


$cfg['op_pre']  = 'OP_";



$cfg['op_pre']  = date('Y-m-d-');

But this unfortunately only displays the pictures I drew today.
So what I wanted to ask now is: where can I get the date when the picture was posted? I mean I can see on my index-page when the picture was drawn... I just can't "extract" it ;_;

Any help would be much appreciated!

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