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Topic review (newest first)

11-01-2008 05:04:05

This error can be a real pain, because it usually means your server's security policy blocks uploads.  More and more free hosts are having this problem.  However, it is possible that this is a database issue.

First, does this problem affect submissions from the applets, or file uploads?  The two methods use very different code, so knowing which method is causing the problem helps a lot.

Also, when logged in as the owner, there is a menu option to read the log.  If anything shows up under the category "SQL Fail", that would probably be the issue.

10-30-2008 16:51:30

Hello, I just installed  my oekaki board, and everything works great, except for when I try to upload a picture.
I keep getting an error saying "Error  looking for a recent picture. Use your browser button to go back."

Can somebody please help me with this?

Thanks in advance if you can!

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