NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

10-06-2008 10:18:00

Alright. Thanks for checking it out. smile

10-06-2008 05:19:43

After some messing around, I was able to reproduce the problem.  It'll take me a little while to figure out what's wrong, so I'll get back to you on this.

10-05-2008 10:09:34

Sure, I'll email it to you. It is 1.4.1 so that's weird..

10-05-2008 01:30:54

I recall there were issues with editing Chibi Paint images with Wacintaki 1.4.0, but I thought that was fixed in 1.4.1.

Could you provide a link to the board, and what username are you using?  The posting issue was related to names not being encoded correctly.

10-04-2008 10:29:30

For some reason, when I retouch a picture using Chibi Paint, it doesn't edit the existing picture. Rather, the picture shows up in the Recover Pictures (and maybe Edit, haven't checked) section. The other applets don't seem to have this issue. Any idea of what the cause could be? :x

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