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10-03-2008 04:38:04

Um, how about an HTTP link, not FTP?  wink

BTW, you don't need to make an "./oekaki/oekaki/" path.  The way the board is installed is that you copy all the files and folders from the archive's "oekaki" folder directly to the server, so your path will look like this:


...instead of this:


That doesn't affect the functionality of the board.  It just makes the URL shorter.

10-02-2008 06:34:22
10-02-2008 06:09:36

In the ZIP file you downloaded from my web site, there is a folder called "documentation".  Inside this folder there is a file with no filename, but the file extension is ".htaccess".  I'm not sure how Windows shows files with no names, but that file should be there.  That's the file you need to upload to Lycos.

Take that file and upload it to the same folder on Lycos that has the "index.php" file.  That is the oekaki's root folder.  The ".htaccess" file tells the server what kind of security permissions are required to properly serve web pages, and in most cases, will also configure PHP.

It may or may not work, though.

10-02-2008 05:48:27

Um, by server you mean? xD
Do I copy it to the 'oekaki' file? And then upload it to Lycos?

10-01-2008 06:00:34

In the documentation folder of the archive, there's a file called ".htaccess".  Copy this file to the server and see if that fixes the issue, and we'll go from there.

Some servers don't like that file, so people should only copy it if they run into issues like this.  If nothing works because you get a "500 Internal Server Error", just remove the file from the server.

09-30-2008 03:03:34

I think my short tags are disabled, and I don't know how to enable them. I have zero knowledge of all things technical. I've been trying to make an Oekaki for over a week, but when I click on instal.php the page comes in all crazy showing all the tags. I've tried everything. T_T I don't know anyone computer savvy, so I'm not sure what to do. I kind of need the board up and going soon, so is there any way someone could help/do it? XD

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