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09-14-2008 14:13:51

Hm, I see... Well, thank you for your time nonetheless.

09-14-2008 02:18:24

I'm afraid you'll have to find another host.  The lovely people that own the Byet web service have put a browser whitelist on their site, which means if you use a web client that they don't recognize, they will redirect you to "" (DO NOT visit that link, because it is overflowing with pop-up ads).  This means that only popular web browsers can visit your site.  I just tried using the Amaya web browser to view your oekaki, and it promptly redirects me to their advertisement site.  I'd bet other less popular browsers that don't "fake" being Firefox or IE would get the boot as well.

When uploading files, the uploads are handled directly by the web browser (such as IE, Firefox, or Chrome).  When uploading pictures via the oekaki applets, the upload is handled by Java.  As soon as Byet realizes that you are connecting to their server with a Java applet, they will redirect the request to their ad site, and the picture gets lost.

Sorry, but I don't see any way to fix this.  "" simply does not allow Java applets to upload files.

09-13-2008 22:24:26

1. Replaced files.

2. No, the log does not say "sqlfail" or anything like it.

3. Account approved.

Thank you very much for the help!

09-13-2008 21:23:00

OK, first of all you need to get rid of those patch files.  The patch only works with version 1.3.14, and they will mess up version 1.4.1.  The files you need to replace are "memberlist.php", "noteBBS.php", "paintBBS.php", and "shiBBS.php".  Just recopy them from the original Wacintaki archive you downloaded.

Next, log in as the owner and take a look at the log.  If there's anything showing up under "sqlfail", that would give the specific error message why the picture info isn't going into the database.  The errors returned by the applets are more generic and not very useful.

I've registered for the board, but after an hour I still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail.  I'll see if I can upload something to figure out what's going on.  If my registration is still pending when you view the board, could you approve it, preferably with upload access?  It can be tricky tracking down upload issues with free web hosts, because of the various anti-spam restrictions they apply to their servers.

09-13-2008 20:00:54

Board: here

My problem came in two stages. First, whenever I tried to draw, I received the message "Error looking for a recent picture.", same as in the thread posted previously by Chelsea. I tried uploading the patch given there, but it did nothing.

Then I tried uploading an image instead of drawing. It worked, but now, whenever I try to draw with anything but Chibipaint, the comment page displays the one image I'd uploaded instead of the image I just drew, and when I submit it, it just replaces the comments on the image I uploaded with the comments for the image I drew. If I use Chibipaint, it won't send at all and gives me a long error message.

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