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Topic review (newest first)

08-23-2008 00:38:22

Well, if the image isn't written, the board is supposed to print something.  There might be something weird going on.

I'll need a link to the board to dig a bit deeper.  I'm wondering if the files are uploading, but the database isn't being updated.

08-22-2008 11:33:51

No I get no warning, and it says "OK"

08-22-2008 01:48:54

When saving avatars, do you get a message that says something about "safe mode"?  What message gets printed?

If you log in as the owner and go to the diagnostics screen, does it say that the avatars folder is "OK" or "Locked"?

08-22-2008 00:27:21

I've tried almost everything, from changing premissions to deleting all files and starting them up again yet the avatars wont save. I made an oekaki board before and had no problems with the avatars, but now they refuse to upload.

Any ideas on what I did wrong?

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