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06-24-2008 20:24:47

Hmm, yeah you're right. Alright. thanks a lot.

06-24-2008 01:54:11

Hmm. I'll give that a try and get back to you.

It's easier to make drop-in tables rather than a lot of twisted logic to close the table properly.  Such as:


if ($animation) {
  $table <<<EOF
    <two td's>
      ... blahblah ...
} else {
  $table <<<EOF
    <one td>
      ... blah ...

echo $table;

So then is there anyway to integrate BBcode opposed to niftyToo? Even if not, how difficult would it be to code a WYSIWYG around niftyToo for comments?

The major difference is that BBcode uses equals signs, while NiftyToo uses colons.  So complex tags, like URLs and colors, wont' work the same.  There's also no support for quotes or preformatted text in NiftyToo.  However, any comment helper that uses the simple tags, like [ b], [ i], and [ u] will work fine.

Replacing NiftyToo with BBcode is a low priority, because very few people seem to use it.  Oekaki is a BBS, not a blog or a forum, so advanced formatting is mostly just eye candy.

06-23-2008 15:47:05

Waccoon wrote:

Welcome to CSS hell.

Inline elements with breaks cannot be centered (and even without them, browser support is unpredictable).  By "floating" a span you can get the line breaks to work correctly, but auto margins will not work.

I've been through this a million times.  A table is your only recourse.  Given that your container is always 160px wide, this shouldn't be an issue.

Also, instead of using the <font> tag, try using <span> or <small>

Hmm. I'll give that a try and get back to you. I figured tables were going to be the only way but I just didn't want to have to put myself through that.

Waccoon wrote:

NicEdit is a WYSIWYG editor for writing HTML code, and is intended only for web page authors.  It is not designed for integration into forum software to be used for user comments, as that is very dangerous.

BBcode is the de-facto standard for using markup in comments, and there's a number of BBcode editors that can be integrated into forums.  However, Wacintaki uses a proprietary markup system called NiftyToo, which is not fully compatible with BBcode.

So then is there anyway to integrate BBcode opposed to niftyToo? Even if not, how difficult would it be to code a WYSIWYG around niftyToo for comments?

06-22-2008 23:30:05

Welcome to CSS hell.

Inline elements with breaks cannot be centered (and even without them, browser support is unpredictable).  By "floating" a span you can get the line breaks to work correctly, but auto margins will not work.

I've been through this a million times.  A table is your only recourse.  Given that your container is always 160px wide, this shouldn't be an issue.

Also, instead of using the <font> tag, try using <span> or <small>

I got nicEdit working and everything for input, but when it came to the database printing it out, it displayed as all pure HTML, tags and all.

NicEdit is a WYSIWYG editor for writing HTML code, and is intended only for web page authors.  It is not designed for integration into forum software to be used for user comments, as that is very dangerous.

BBcode is the de-facto standard for using markup in comments, and there's a number of BBcode editors that can be integrated into forums.  However, Wacintaki uses a proprietary markup system called NiftyToo, which is not fully compatible with BBcode.

06-22-2008 06:04:52


I'm trying to do some edits on the index to display all the applet and post information like locked, adult, etc, in a box underneath the picture. I've gotten it working for the most part, however, the place where I'm inserting the structuring for the boxes is extremely strange: in the index file's EOF's, where the images are being rendered.

I'm assuming this is the cause of most of my formatting problems, as some pretty simple XHTML formatting isn't working, and it doesn't quite seem to be uniform among all pictures.

Here is the code snippet from that part of the index file:


// Print image
if ($adult_block_mode == 0) {
echo <<<EOF

            <a href="$master_image" rel="lightbox" title="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}"><img src="$thumbnail_image" class="$img_class_type" {$scale_size} alt="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}" /></a><br />


echo <<<EOF
            <div style="width: 160px; min-height: 60px; max-height: 105px; height: auto; background-color: #ccc; border: 1px solid #fff; padding: 3px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
                <div style="display: inline; float: left; margin-left: 30px; padding-left: 5px;"><a href="$master_image" title="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}">
                    <img src="/img/download.png" style="border: none; height: auto; width: 30px;" />
                    <font size="0.5em">download</font>


} elseif ($adult_block_mode == 1) {
echo <<<EOF
            <a href="$master_image" rel="lightbox" title="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}"><img src="{$cfg['res_path']}/{$cfg['porn_img']}" class="$img_class_type" alt="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}" /></a><br />

} else {
echo <<<EOF
            <img src="{$cfg['res_path']}/{$cfg['porn_img']}" alt="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}" title="Pic #{$outerrow['PIC_ID']}" /><br />


        //    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =

        if ($use_thumbnail && $thumbDisplay != 3) {
            echo '            ('.$langop_clickenlarg.')<br />'."\n";

        // Animation type
        if ($outerrow['animation'] == '1') {
            switch ($outerrow['datatype']) {
                case '0':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                $viewani_size = array(75 , 175);

                case '1':
                $viewani_size = array(100, 185);

            if ($adult_block_mode == 0 || $adult_block_mode == 1) {
                // NOTE: Use ID_2, not PIC_ID for $resno
            <div style="display: inline; float:left; padding-left: 5px;"><a href="#" onclick="openWindow('viewani.php?recno=<?=$outerrow['PIC_ID']?>', '<?=$outerrow['px'] + $viewani_size[0];?>', '<?=$outerrow['py'] + $viewani_size[1];?>'); return false;">
            <img src="/img/animation.png" style="border: none; height: auto; width: 30px;" />
                    <font size="0.5em">animation</font>
            } else {
            [<?=$langop_word_animated?>]<br />

            <div style="float: none; clear: both; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
             <font size="0.5em" style="text-transform: lowercase;">drawn with <b><?= $applet_mode ?></b></font></div>
        if ($outerrow['archive'] == '1') {
            echo ?><font size="0.5em">[archived]</font><?php ;
        if ($outerrow['adult'] != 0 && $flags['X']) {
            echo ?><font size="0.5em" style="padding-left: 3px;">[adult]</font><?php ;
        if (!empty ($outerrow['password'])) {
            if ($outerrow['password'] == 'public' && $cfg['public_retouch'] == 'yes') {
                echo ?><font size="0.5em" style="padding-left: 3px;">[public]</font><?php ;
            } else {
                echo ?><font size="0.5em" style="padding-left: 3px;">[protected]</font><?php ;
        if ($outerrow['threadlock'] != 0) {
            echo ?><font size="0.5em" style="padding-left: 3px;">[<b>locked</b>]</font><?php ;

Pretty much because of the awkwardness I did some messy inline CSS.

This is pretty much what I'm trying to get it to look like, except with an auto margin-left on the "download" image so that it centers when there isn't an animation. The "Download" link is necessary because I hacked in slimbox support, but users still want the ability to download images easily.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Additionally, something I tried to do was add a more full-featured WYSIWYG editor. I got nicEdit working and everything for input, but when it came to the database printing it out, it displayed as all pure HTML, tags and all. Does anyone know why this is or where/how I can remedy it?

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