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06-12-2008 12:16:56

Thanks. smile

06-12-2008 01:28:08

In the resource folder, open the file "hacks.php" in a text editor, and scroll to the bottom.  You'll see the array definition for the smilies.

To add a smiley, you need to write code in the following manner:


$smilies_temp = array (
    ':)' => 'smile.gif',
    ':|' => 'neutral.gif',
    ':(' => 'sad.gif' // No comma on last entry

The first code in each line is the smiley, and must be encased in single quotes.  Don't worry about using HTML encoding with the brackets and stuff -- the smiley code will do that.  The second code in each line is the filename, which must also be in single quotes.  All image files must be located in the smilies folder.

Important:  each line in the array must end with a comma except the last line.  If you accidentally leave a comma on the last line, PHP will complain.

Once you have your custom smilies set up, you must activate them by changing the value of USE_SMILE_HACK to 1, as follows:


define ('USE_SMILE_HACK', 1);
06-11-2008 18:54:11

I have some smilies I'd like to add on to the originals, but how would I do that?

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