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Topic review (newest first)

03-16-2008 22:27:15

Could you show me what you are currently using in the "body" tag of your CSS, or the values of $bgColor and $bgImage in your Wacintaki template?  $bgColor should be a hex color value, and $bgImage should be a plain path to the image without quotation marks.

Also, due to the nature of the template system, you either have to delete the CSS file every time you make a change to a template (PHP) file, or you have to tell the board to force template builds.  To do this, open up the "hacks.php" file and change this line:


    $force_build = 0; // Forces realtime build of templates.  SLOW!

    $force_build = 1; // Forces realtime build of templates.  SLOW!

This will allow you to change the template and see your changes right away without having to delete the CSS all the time.  It reduces performance, though, so be sure to turn it back once you are finished editing the template.

03-15-2008 11:13:54

I've been trying to make a new template. So far I can change everything but the background. I've tried the color code, just typing the color, and made an image. Nothing worked, the background keep showing up as white.

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