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Topic review (newest first)

01-03-2008 01:54:02

Most of the language packs I've seen are for OekakiPoteto, the predecessor to Wacintaki and Wax Poteto.  Those language packs will not work correctly with my modifications of OP.  They will mostly work, but lots of stuff will be missing.

The person who made the Chinese translation is the only one who has contacted me directly about a custom language pack.  If others exist, I'm not aware of them.  The language packs that come with Wax Poteto are pretty much the original OekakiPoteto language packs with additions in English.  They aren't "real" language packs, unfortunately.

01-02-2008 17:12:37

Are there any other languages available for Wackintaki other than English and Chinese? I could have sworn there was Italian and Slavic options, but now I can't find I thinking of something else?

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