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12-12-2007 06:06:21

ShiPainter has different animation code to handle the extra tools and brushes, so it has its own quirks compared to PaintBBS.  However, both applets have problems with appending animations.

12-11-2007 12:23:10

But what about paintBBS? Because I believe it could be updated and uploaded to the server just like with retouch.

12-08-2007 06:48:25

One nag with the Shi applets... they won't append animations.  So, once people import an animation to retouch it, the animation data is clipped.

This is why I put that hack at the bottom of the ShiPainter screen that lets you import a canvas instead of an animation.  Unfortunately, all kinds of weird things can happen when retouching from animations.

12-07-2007 13:21:31

Well, everything's working like a charm; it's importing the animation perfectly.

I do have one slight problem though. When the person submits the picture, the animation is not saved and posted. How can I fix this?

11-04-2007 21:45:50

How does notebbs load the animation?

The "thumbnail_type" parameter tells the applet to send animation data with the thumbnail header.  This is required to save animations.  It's possible to make the applet send a scaled thumbnail instead, for servers that don't have an image library like GDlib.

The setting you have now should work.

NoteBBS requires that you give the PCH file for the "image_canvas" parameter -- you are not able to provide an image.  ShiBBS wants a PCH file under the "pch_file" parameter, but you should only use either an image or an animation.  Providing both may cause the animation to not load properly.  For both applets, you must make sure the applet is sized properly to match the animation.  You should get the measurements $xcord and $ycord from the image, and then simply import the animation instead of the image.  If you don't provide the exact width and height, the applets will not load the animations.


Wrong syntax.  Brackets are used to access keyed arrays, parentheses are used for functions.

Use w_gpc('artist2'); instead.

11-04-2007 04:15:52

How silly of me not to notice! XD It works fine now.

I have 2 more question.

1) How does notebbs load the animation?

I've got <param name="thumbnail_type" value="animation" /> to appear in the HTML if the associated animation file exists.

The pch file still won't load though.

2) I've set up so the export URL looks like so: … ist2=Ebony

I want "artist2" to be inserted into the oekakidta db; I've already set up the field.

In functions.php,

I added the bottom line in this section of code:


// First post normal pic
if ($action == 'res_msg') {
    $picno      = w_gpc('picno', 'i+');
    $name       = w_gpc('name'); // Guest
    $email      = w_gpc('email', 'html'); // Guest
    $url        = w_gpc('url', 'html'); // Guest
    $adult      = w_gpc('adult', 'i');
    $title      = w_gpc('title', 'html');
    $comment    = w_gpc('comment', 'html');
    $share      = w_gpc('share', 'i');
    $share_pass = trim (w_gpc('share_pass'));
    $trans_pass = trim (w_gpc('trans_pass'));
    $wip        = w_gpc('wip', 'i');
    $artist2      = w_gpc['artist2'];

And then I added {$artist2} to the database code:


        // Update DB
        $result = mysql_query ("UPDATE {$OekakiPoteto_Prefix}oekakidta SET comment='$comment', hostname='$hostname', IP='$address', title='{$title}', artist='{$artist2}', adult='$adult', postlock='{$lock_stat}', password='{$share_pass}'{$bump_me} WHERE PIC_ID='{$picno}'");

However, it still doesn't add to the database. But if I replace {$artist2} with some text, it is added to the db.

I'm presming $artist2 is blank. How can I fix this?

11-01-2007 06:35:21

Well, for one thing, your filenames are incorrect.  Files in the book folder begin with "lineart_", but that prefix is not in your coloring book script.

Also, you're using a folder called "book", so make sure you've edited the path correctly:


$app_import = './recolor/'.str_replace ($file_illegal, '', $recolor);


$app_import = './book/'.str_replace ($file_illegal, '', $recolor);
10-31-2007 17:50:14

Hmmm.. it's still not working. I uploaded your version of noteBSS straight to the server

Do you mind registering on my oekaki and having a look?

It has auto-registration so you won't have to wait to be unpended. Then just click "Colouring book" from the header.

Thank you so much for your help.

10-30-2007 03:34:38

Works for me.  It might be a copy/paste issue.

I know this one works, so compare this to what you have now:  noteBBS.php (1.3.11)

10-29-2007 13:34:24

Thank you so much for your speedy reply and the help.

I have tried to edit noteBBS.php, exactly like you said. However, when trying to recolor the outline, a blank canvas appears in IE 7 whilst Firefox abruptly crashes.

I edited "./recolor/" to suit my directory, and I am sure the path is correct and that no files are corrupt in the folder.

I think I know the source of the problem: the "image_canvas" parameter is not being loaded at all in the HTML of the page. I can't work out why it does that though....

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