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10-18-2007 19:33:29

Every server is a bit different, unfortunately.  The web server's interpretation of the CHMOD numbers may not match what the system shows.

Try to CHMOD the files until the diagnostics page shows that the files are not locked.  If that doesn't work, in the documentation folder of the Wacintaki distribution, there is a script called "reclaim.php".  Copy that to the server and run it, and it will try to rebuild the working files so they are writable.  If the old files can be renamed, then that should fix the issue.

10-18-2007 15:51:02

Alright. Maybe this server actually does do 77x permissions right (my old one had it so some folders HAD to be 777'd to work).

I'll check the permissions, just in case. smile

10-17-2007 23:16:32

The file should be named "dbconn.php".  It's short for "DB Connection", not "DB Configuration".

Some servers don't like it when PHP files are CHMOD to 777, because that's the least restrictive access.  The servers may disable 777 access to force people to use something more appropriate.  This may apply to both files and folders.

I assume you're changing files around, such as a server move, so it would be a good idea to check all the numbers.

These numbers are for uploaded or moved files.  If anyone else is installing a new board, use the CHMOD numbers in the installation instructions.

Base folder:
664:  "config.php", "dbconn.php"

775:  "avatars", "resource", "pictures", "templates"

Resouce folder files:
664:  All files except "hacks.php"

Avatars and Pictures folders:
664:  All files in these two folders

10-17-2007 17:39:34

I imported the database for Wacintaki, and go to edit the config info, and made sure dbconf.php was CHMOD'ed to 777.

And when I save the info, it gives this error...


Could not open config file for writing. Check your server permissions 

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Yet when I check the actual file, the changes were made. I wonder why that is?

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