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Topic review (newest first)

09-28-2007 05:05:21

Most likely they have a special userflag that defines how many stars a member has, then, each board has a config setting declaring how many stars are required.  There's really no need to change the database -- just the config file.

Of course, OekakiCentral has been modified to the point where it really isn't a mod of OekakiPoteto, but a separate project altogether, and much more so than Wacintaki.

Doom Fox
09-27-2007 16:32:01


I just want to know, just like in sites like "Oekaki Central" they have this skill level system which lets you draw in certain boards and in others it doesn't. I want to know how can they actually make something like that? Do they modify something on the database as of, adding a new field called skill level and modify the permissions according to that?

Would anyone be nice enough to explain this to me?

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