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08-17-2007 17:15:28

Aah, thank you so much. I tried searching on google for it, but couldn't find the right context. This works perfectly. tongue

08-17-2007 03:31:25

To set link colors within specific divs, you might need to define some extra CSS pseudo-classes.  This might help:

If a div has a class of type "postmain", you can give it custom colors this way:


div.postmain a:link {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: white;

At least, that SHOULD work.  CSS can be a real pain.

08-16-2007 18:21:42

Ok I figured out the template problem. (I didn't realize that the script actually created a css file, so I didn't know I had to delete it after every change. XP)

But now I have another question... XD Is it possible to make the link color the same as the regular text color in that area? Because I have some contrasting div background colors so if I set the link colors, it makes it so some links are invisible. (because they are the same color as the background color :x)

08-16-2007 14:33:23


Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /homepages/19/d114596359/htdocs/scrvtch/oekaki/testinfo.php on line 40

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/19/d114596359/htdocs/scrvtch/oekaki/testinfo.php:40) in /homepages/19/d114596359/htdocs/scrvtch/oekaki/header.php on line 166

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/19/d114596359/htdocs/scrvtch/oekaki/testinfo.php:40) in /homepages/19/d114596359/htdocs/scrvtch/oekaki/header.php on line 169

And I get these errors when I view Diagnostics page. (testinfo.php)


08-16-2007 14:00:14

So I was able to successfully upgrade to Wacintaki; wasn't too hard, but now I'm having some problems with the template. I used the wax poteto -> wacintaki template converter on the wacintaki mods forum, and it worked well for the most part, but there were still a few problems that I needed fixed. (For example, extremely small font size in the drop down menus, text boxes, and even the header on some pages.) I tried directly editing the template file I was using in the templates directory, but the changes were never actually applied to my website. So after getting frustrated, I decided to change the page background color to an obscure color just to see if the changes I was making were doing anything at all... Which they weren't...

Soo, how exactly am I supposed to edit the template colors, font sizes, etc of my oekaki?...

EDIT: Here's the link to my oekaki: - click rules to see them bad font size...

I'm also having trouble with the javascript drop down menu in there... but that's probably not fixable. >,<;

08-16-2007 04:20:23

Oh, yeah.  neutral

Well, Wacintaki and Wax are now using the same database and config file format, so almost nothing needs to be updated.  The only trouble is that the version number in the config file is wrong.

After copying the Wacintaki files into place, open up config.php in a text editor and change "5.6.0" to "1.3.0".  That should let the board boot normally.  Then, you should go into the control panel and re-save it (enabling any features you need along the way).

I'll have to fix this in 5.6.1, along with the other updater problem, the thumbnail naming issue

08-16-2007 01:57:38

When I try running the updater after installing all of the Wacintacki files to my website, following the instructions on the readme file, It says that I already have Wacintacki 5.6.0 installed and can't update. (Must be less than 1.3.0) I think that, for some reason, the updater thinks that wax poteto 5.6.0 is actually Wacintacki 5.6.0 (which doesn't exist. >_<wink so it won't let me update.

Any ideas? (Luckily, I remembered to back up my original oekaki folder XD)

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